Just a few more weeks.
Will it happen? How long does it take for the information to hit the BOP in order for these fools to let me out?
What ever…. Stay in the fight.
Christmas is done and a new year is about to dawn for America. What will we do with this moment in time?
Will we sit back and relish in the after glow of the victory? Will we lean into the wind and continue to get ready for the Mid-Terms?
Then we have another election right around the corner. No rest for the weary.
Notice all the crap this administration is throwing at the public before Trump takes hold? Now we have the Bird Flu? Another Pandemic waiting to take place? Will I be out in time to enjoy the lock down? That’s ok. I know what to do this time. Continue drinking my Starbucks, give people the finger for mean mugging me w/o my mask.
Really? I was ready to go last time around. Turned my entire front room into a garden, took up stick fighting, Took up Knife Fighting, Stock piled a ton of Ammo, Water, Food, Took up Canning, Ordered all kinds of crap from Amazon,Started learning how to skin a squirrel and make gloves, 🙂 I had the squirrels coming to me after a while. Bought them Peanuts in the shell. They love that stuff.
I know that Home Depot houses the best stuff for lock downs and defending in place. Hence me getting a job there as soon as I get out.
” Excuse me, is there an opening in the Garden Dept. for an Ex-con?” How do you fill out an application? I haven’t done that Since 1986.
Ok, Stay focused people.
Can’t wait to meet you. I’m so stoked about getting out of this crap.

Jeff Mckellop
Political Prisoner



I printed off the “Pardon Time Line.”
I have to hold my self in check to keep from crying. I’ve read it so many times. It doesn’t seem real.
You don’t understand the pressure. The over whelming desire to quit and make the pain stop. How many times I was told by the six different attorney’s I had. “Jeff, just sign and it will be over, you’ll be out in a few years. Jeff. If you take drug and alcohol classes you can shave a year at best off your 8-10 yr sentence. Jeff, I’m working hard for you. I’m worried about you. You’re not doing good Jeff, We’re on your side. I’m doing all I can. Do you have another 20K to keep this going? I need another 30K Jeff I’m working Pro Bono. Jeff this is the best I can do. Jeff If I was your father? I’d tell you to take this deal.”
In S.E.R.E, they teach you to give a little to make the pain go away. To live another day in order to survive to the point of rescue. Tell your captors what ever they want to hear. They tried to; Force, Press, Intimidate me, Lie, trying to get me to sign and take documentation against my will. Using Level III interrogation Tactics against me. They were weak and didn’t know how to use the skill. They failed. I would sign, and my reward was the “HOLE”.
The Government, I took an oath to defend and protect. The country I went to war for. Turned it’s back to me when I needed it the most. Looked down upon me. Small and insignificant. Sent me away. Names in court, and down played my Military Service.
Called me names. Tried to break me. Bound and chastised. Took every thing I ever worked for. Gone.
I’ve been waiting for almost four years for rescue. I’ve been waiting, sending out my messages in a bottle. I sent my letters of help to any one that would write me. I needed help so bad.
“Lord you are my God who saves me. Day and night I cry out to you, May my Prayer come before you, Turn you ear to my cry.”
Then you came. You are my angles. Our Supreme Creator and Architect sent you to me. Carried you to me.

—–I should write a book.”Four Years to Freedom.” In memory of Col. James Nick Rowe. “Five Years to Freedom.” I read his book twice while in Solitary confinement. :(——

I want to thank every one for helping me. Thank you for staying with me. Thank you for writing me. I wanted to write to every one, but it was impossible. I’m sorry.
There are no words that can calculate the emotion or strain that we’ve all been under.
I don’t want to make this my fight. Because this is our fight!
We are in a Civil War for our very existence. We’ve found our selves reliving 1776. Minus the weapons and blood shed.
Yet we are there. Reliving the past to save our selves from the tyranny and oppression that tried to take control of the colonist. We were so close to loosing it all. Some don’t under stand how danger close we were.
The fight isn’t over. We won the battle, but the war is on. We need to lean into the next two years and then who will take control in four? Start thinking. Get your tomahawk sharp, an keep your powder dry. Kit up and stand ready.

What did I learn from this? If you call me? I’ll go harder next time………

Jeff Mckellop
Political Prisoner
I AM 3rd Group Special Forces ODA 394/396
De Oppresso Liber!!



A new begining is about to happen. We are on the threshold of a new America.
We were danger close to going out completely. America didn’t know it almost happened. One more election of the democrats and it would’ve been all gone.
Any one Catch the, BET All Black 2024 in review?

What will we do with this new begining? Will we squander the riches our supreme archetecht, and fathers gave us?
Will we build anew?
I’m beside my self that I might be getting out. I want to do something for America. I want to join the service with my son.
I’ve been disapointed by so many legal representitives that claim to be Attorney’s. They told me; “Being on my side was an honor, We’re doing everything we can to help you, You’re in good hands, You can trust us, We’re looking at everything, It looks good to get out, Jeff let me do the work, Do you have any one in your family that could give you 20-30 thousand dollars to further your case, I’m doing all I can.”
In the end? I stood alone. Waiting for the truck to come and get me. Waiting for the help I was promised.
Waiting for 20-50yrs of imprisonment to begin. Waiting………………. Stuck in a POW Camp designed by the very same people I took an oath to protect and serve.
You’ve given me a new start. I’m ready to get out. Where’s the truck, I’m ready.
Thanks for staying with me.
We’re not done yet. We have so much more work to do. We have to rescue others stranded behind enemy lines.