Dearest Barbara,
Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Year’s! And wow, is it looking good right now for a
happy new year for the J6 crowd! Trump has kept rearming his stance on pardons and it is
getting hard not to get my hopes up! All the other inmates, ask us ‘when are you going home?’
which is usually ‘can I get your stu?’ Seems our departure will be more than just a blessing to
ourselves and families! This December has already been such a good month for me. I got a
visit from mom before she went to NY for my youngest sister’s wedding. Dad‘s health has not
improved so as a supreme consideration, my sister planned and executed her wedding so he
could attend, walk her down the aisle, and dance with her at the reception. You wouldn’t have
known she didn’t have months of preparation and wow all the photos have been gorgeous. I
guess I should mention that she is a wedding planner and I think that helped! My daughter
Holly was the ower girl and was looking beautiful like the bride in miniature. She will be
dancing in a production of the Nutcracker sometime while this note posts across the country to
you and I know I’ll adore those photos next. I’m staying busy with the leathercraft and have
even allowed myself to begin construction of a ‘ going home’ duel bag. I pray I get to use it
soon. Thanksgiving here was much better than last year and it was so good. I couldn’t resist
seconds and the dressing down I took after exiting the Chow hall a second time and being
noticed. Yum. I had a legal call recently and so far no communication has come from the
incoming Trump administration over the intent or process of pardons. I do know that in order to
receive one though I’d need to drop my appeal. there is just so much hope right now, it is
everywhere and maybe surprising to you on the outside, but the inmate population is really
cheering for Trump and hoping he can institute meaningful reform to this bureaucracy. Elon
Musk seems intent on helping with that eort, right? Well, once again, the sta took great eort
for Christmas and the lobby of my housing unit looks like a Grinch themed Christmas scene
with trees and presents. I won’t complain about that, it is a nice touch, but that lack of focus
seems to not just be around the holidays. Ha ha that is unless you’re a J 6er like me… plenty of
unwelcome focus lately! Really feels like they’re trying to press buttons since the election trying
to get a reaction. Oh well. Trump‘s coming and America looks to be enthusiastic about its
future again. Barbara, God bless you. Thank you so much for the years of support. MERRY
CHRISTMAS and may 2025 be a very happy year for us all!
Kyle Fitzsimons

Kyle Fitzsimons

📬 Kyle Fitzsimons
FCI Coleman Low
Federal Correctional Institution
PO BOX 1031
Coleman, FL 33521

🎂 9/26 🎂

Has been incarcerated for 1427 days.
Including remaining serving time for 827 days.

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