I’ve got these guys writing me. I’ve received two letters posting:
Offering help with my transition.
They had a Press Conference at the Hyatt Regency Grand Ballroom on Capitol Hill, on Jan 6,2025.
Some of the speakers grifting off the back and sweat of others? Steven Metcalf.
Of; Kyinoga, Metcalf, and McBride.
All three of those douche bags did what they could to get me where I’m at. I gave McBride a huge amount of paper work to help me with a class action law suit, Beg and pleaded with him to help me. To help me! Cry on the phone!
Help me. I need help. He and Kiyonaga’s drag A$$, used my information to get Ryan Nichols out of jail, I got pushed to he curb. When I asked John Kiyonaga about the actions? Asked McBride about the paper work, and where the help was?
” Jeff, Your not doing well, I’m worried about you, You don’t sound good.”
“Well Jeff, lets stick with your case. How’s things going? How’s the food? Have you thought about the Plea Deal? IT’s good. I’m working really hard for you. If I was your father? I’d tell you to take the 10-15 yrs Plea”/3yrs Half way home,3yrs Probation, 200K restitution, and reserved the right to be projected for the other 12 crimes I’m being charged with.”
They told Morris the same thing. Scared him into thinking his life was over. Gave him all his money. Gave them his life for freedom. He fell on the Sword to save his life and honor!
They used him as a stepping stone to further and convince others to take the plea. Move onto the next for more money!!!
Mother Fu@#ers need to pay!
All these attorney’s go hand an glove with the other. They are like the MPD and Capitol Police. They cover down on each other. They lie cheat and steal from people and lie about their actions. Making it appear as if you’re the issue.
Verbal Kung Fu.
I don’t trust any of these fools.
The letter goes on to explain how they raised money to help me with my transition into the real world. Where The Fu@# where they in the beginning?
Notice how these wolves are starting to arise from the den. Wolves don’t move alone!! They move in packs. They come from a den. They live and thrive together. Get right with God People!
Mother Fu@#ing savages! Tree Swinging Marsupials!
Where were they when I spent over six months in the hole? Where were they when I was being dragged down the hall, Chained and Shackled?
“Jeff It looks good. You can take the plea and be done with it in about 8yrs.”
You can openly admit in the court of law that you are a stark raving Alcoholic and Drug using D!(k Sucking Homo. —- I added the last part—
Now they want to come out and help me? After 3 1/2 years almost four years of crap?
Yeah! I need their help. They can pay for my new home and Truck. I want out! I want Steven Metcalf/McBride/ John Kiyonaga to pay for the entire show! I want Seth Peritz, Mrs Henery, Mrs. Young, John Kiyonaga, James Brite, Philip Linder, Bill Shipley, Michael Lawlor, John Teakell to pay for their crimes!
No Help! Waited me out to take a plea deal.
Now there’s a fund raiser? I wonder how much money they get from this? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No on did a dam thing to iron this out! Now that it’s almost over they come out of the jungle to say:
” I had your back this entire time. I was right there with you. I have my bible, I’m ready to stand with you. Here sign this and give me 90% of the take and we can go about our business. Good luck with your new J6 life.
Fu#$ing F.A.Gs!!!!
Where are they? Hello?
Fu@#ing leaches!!!!!!!
Jeff Mckellop
Political Prisoner
P.O. BOX 15330
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