
As they became more and more concerned about the political persecution of January 6th’s defendants AKA J6ers, Marie Goodwyn and Tim Rivers created the telegram channel – j6patriotnews. The goal of this channel was to inform the American people about the duress under which each defendant and their families found themselves.

It was time to tell their stories and alert the public of their plight, the injustice, and the political persecution. Later, Tim Rivers launched The American Gulag Chronicle Channel. The rest is history.

Do not miss both blogs as we continue on our mission. There is a lot more information today. We added links to other organizations at the bottom of this page.

Helping spread the word to unsuspecting Americans—This is all we are about!


Tim Rivers – A Native of Florida, Tim is a retired IT engineer and writer. With an early background in TV and broadcasting, he found a joy in writing for its own sake, whether it was fictional or technical works. Tim and his wife Terri live in the beauty of the Florida Nature coast and enjoy exploring its natural wonders. Today he provides a voice to the Silenced through his Telegram Channel, The American Gulag Chronicles and speaks out for equal Justice and Liberty in America.


She was born in France and immigrated to the United States in 1981 after marrying an American citizen. She homeschooled their five children and then worked for a school curriculum publisher. She started the J6patriotnews channel with Tim Rivers, a channel dedicated to spread news and truth about the January 6th event and its aftermath. Marie has some programming experience she demonstrates on her site mjpagedesign. As an artist, besides painting murals in homes and restaurants, she paints cards to send to J6 defendants to encourage them and let them know they are not forgotten (see some example below.)

Meet our writers.

Besides Tim Rivers and Marie Goodwyn, j6Patriotnews has volunteers. Of course, they come and go but we thought it would be good to recognize them as they are a integral part of our site.


Isaac Thomas is a fellow J6er dedicated to standing up for God’s people and Exposing the Truth.
He got emancipated from the corrupt foster care system in 2019 and has dedicated his life to the fight for freedom ever since.
Please support Isaac’s work by praying for him, his fellow J6ers and by sharing our articles.

Angie B

Angie has been a true supporter of J6ers from the very beginning. She joined J6patriotnews early on and has been a faithful contributor to the telegram channel and our blogs here. Angie is involved in many J6 related groups and donates to J6ers in many ways.

We want to thank her for her dedication and great heart.

Red Heart on Apple iOS 16.4