011725 15:35
This is it people!
I’ve been told; Tell the truth, Be honest with your self and others, Your attorney’s are good, They’re here to help you, Jeff we just need 20-30K more to keep this going, If I was your father, This is a good deal, Jeff I could be at home with my wife, Do you know any one with money, I’ve worked so hard for you, Look at all the paper work we did, on an on an on.
I’ve been told to tell the truth, by the very same people lying to me.
I wanted to say something political, or empowering to motivate you getting on a tread mill or bicycle, or something. I decided to just bow out with a few words.
The hand of reality is winding up again. There’s a B!tch slap coming your way. We have less than two years until the mid-terms. Two more years after that and the elections. Who will come next? “I’ll just vote better next time.” You have no idea how close we came to loosing it all. If Kamalalala would’ve won? It would’ve been game over for America.
I want to thank each and every one of you who stood by me and supported my self and my children.
I’ve saved all the addresses of those who wrote. I’m sorry if I didn’t get back to you. The powers that be? They take my things, often. But! If I don’t like it? I shouldn’t have come here. Right?
I’ll be getting back to you in good time. I’m not done…….
To those the last four years! Who listen to the truth and stood by me? I’ll be seeing you. Soon. Thank you for your support.
I’ve made life long friends and new family through out this Fu@@ing Nightmare.
“Thank you” Isn’t enough. A simple hand shake or brief hug doesn’t do the trick. We’re going out for a Hot Dog and Dr. Pepper. 🙂 Get drunk and shoot guns!! Hell yeah! America!
Looking forward to a new beginning and starting over again. (I miss my Children.)
If I could do it all over again?
I’d go harder! 😉
Lesson learned; Never take your mask off in a riot, Don’t support; FBI, DHS, CIA, Government Officials, Automatic Car Washers, Correctional Treatment Facility employee’s, Attorney’s (Attorney’s lie, cheat and steal your money, and your life. Walk away to blame it all on you.) B!tches Get Stiches, There’s more Homo’s in a Hundred man cell block than DC and San Francisco put together, Snitches get Stiches too, Don’t shower with your back to the curtain, Stay alert/Stay alive, Gamble,Learn Spanish( No Bueno!), Live minimal, Most my friends back doored me in a time of need( Pipe Hitting Mother Fu#$ers with guns and ammo. Prue Americans.”Good luck with that Jeff, Give me a call when you get out, don’t mention my name in court bro.”).
I hope Trump keeps his word. I need the truck so bad right now.
I was left on the Objective. By those who gave me their word to return.
Jeff Mckellop
Political Prisoner
P.O. BOX 15330

Jeff McKellop, Green Beret
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