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  These attorney’s that represented me are now working in unison with each other for monetary gain.

  They’ve taken all their clients, put together the information, making it their own.  They’ve Used and Abused the trust and security of the law to organize a legal team. 

  John Kiyonaga, Jame Bright, Philip Linder, Bill Shipley, Medcalf, and McBride( and a few others).  Have come together to pound the government for a 100 Billion Dollars.

  I told Kiyonaga all that I knew about J6.  He blew me off. Labeled me  in the court of law as: “Slipping, Declining, Not doing well.” Told the courts I needed to be looked at.  I told James Bright, Philip Linder, and Bill Shipley all that I knew, and they blew me off.  Tried to force me to take a plea deal to shut me up.

  All of these Mother FU*&s have taken my faith and trust, then used it against me. 

” You have to tell the truth Jeff.  You’re only going to make it worse, You need to be honest with me from the start, If I was your father,  Do you have any more money, Can you tell me more about what happen on J6, Do you have video of all these things your talking about, We’re on your side Jeff, You can trust us, We’re coming back with more people Jeff, You’re going to be out soon, I could be at home with my wife, I could be with my children right now, just sign this jeff and the pain will go away,  TRUST ME JEFF, I’M HERE FOR YOU.”

  Their doing a magic act right in front of your face.   Claiming,  “Getting justice for those in prison.”

  These guys in prisoner will never see any of that money.

 They interviewed all of us.  Kept the information. Used it against the people in jail.

Once again.  These people are not for America, Their not Americans, Their not Christians, Their nothing but, Amphibious Pieces of Sh!t!

They used Fear Tactics, Worry, Isolation, Legal Action, Family, Money, all to gain and set them selve up for more money down the road.  They knew what they were going to do from the start.

  Mother Fu@#ers must pay!!!!!   Talk is cheap.

  What will you do when they come for you?

Jeff Mckellop

Political Prisoner

Jeffrey McKellop

📬 Jeffrey McKellop
P.O. BOX 15330

🎂 11/10 🎂

Incarcerated since 3/17/2021
or 1404 days.

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