My friends,
This is the last day of 2024 and blessed be the Lord my last one in custody. I have given reflection on my time in prison and it may shock you to know that i am actually grateful for this time that i have been here. You may ask why and it is very simple. With the exception of one person on this email list (and you know who you are 🙂 ) i did not know any of you prior to my coming in here. Over the course of the last few years i now consider you to be not just friends but part of my family. What is family after all? They are people that love and support you and they are there with you and for you through happy times hard times who love you and lift you up and pray for you and do not judge you. My friends that is ALL of you.

A man got released today after his 3rd time in prison (i believe it is third but it could be second) for unspeakable acts to the most innocent among us, i believe you all understand what i mean. Anyway i couldn’t help but be a bit angry that the system let him out. It is sad to think that another person may be hurt because of him. In fact you could say the same for most of the men in here. But then i remembered that God loves him as much as he loves me and shows no favoritism. He needs our prayers as much as i do. I have thought about what i want to accomplish when i am out because going back to my old life is not only virtually impossible but to be honest not entirely desirable. I do not wish to be out there for the almighty dollar and really not giving my all to the Lord. Don’t get me wrong i want to be comfortable but if God chooses for me to live in a cardboard box but yet stays in my heart i will then have EVERYTHING i need! Because i KNOW that if it rains God will provide a piece of plastic to put over my box to keep me dry!!! LOL 🙂

So as this year comes to a close thank you to you all for being a part of my life and helping through this difficult period. You all have listened to God and not forsaken those in prison. I can.t wait to meet each of you and i also look forward to spending eternity with you and all the other believers who have ever lived as well as the angels worshiping God forever!! WOW!!! What thought! I LOVE you all and thank you again!
Your grateful brother

Robert Palmer

📬 Robert Palmer
Federal Corrections Complex
Low A2
PO BOX 1031
Coleman, FL 33521

🎂 3/22 🎂

Has been serving sentence for 1102 days.

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