December 22, 2024
I have a letter from you marked November 22, 2024, and I didn’t write on it if I replied or not, so
I gured I’d better write you again anyway anyways, if anybody deserves an extra letter it
would be you.
Things here have been business as usual. All the inmates universally believe that Donald Trump
will pardon us. Even sta members believe Donald Trump will be releasing the J6 hostages.
Currently there are approximately 250 of us incarcerated. It would be tragic if President Trump
kept us behind bars when he had the power to do something about it, I would be shocked if he
did that, it’s not in his nature.
From the reporting I’ve read and what my wife has told me, DC judges, and DOJ prosecutors
seem to be immune from the many revelations about January 6. You know what they say, “it’s
easier to fool a man than to convince them they have been fooled.” I tried to cast a cloak of
charity on well meaning judges and prosecutors alike, convincing them. They were fooled by
legacy media, which is no longer mainstream, and the J6 unselect committee is a huge
challenge. But I do believe the forthcoming transparency focus under the new president.
Trump’s cabinet will go a long way.
Meanwhile, we hope and wait that President Trump will make good on his promises and end
the political persecution and prosecution of some of his most dedicated supporters. He calls
us hostages, and I have come to believe that is because they held us as ransom in order to try
to prosecute him and prevent him from running for president again. Because Joe Biden has
been mentally out to lunch for the last four years. (as conrmed by the Wall Street Journal
report.) there have been no emergency breaks on the Garland DOJ and the Matthew Graves
DC district.
Thanks so much for all your support, I have enjoyed getting your letters since all the way back
in the DC Gulag. I am hoping to return home to Kitsap County very soon, we will have to get
together with my wife and go out to dinner when all this is over.
God bless,
Tayler J6 Johnatakis

Taylor Johnatakis

📬 Taylor Johnatakis
Federal Medical Center
PO.BOX 4000
Springfield, MO 65801

🎂 11/28 🎂

Has been serving sentence for 425 days.

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