Dear Barbara,
Merry Christmas to you! It is my second Christmas at SeaTac. It will also be my last. Hopefully
in 25 days I will be walking out of here on the orders of the people’s president.
All of this is still unbelievable to me. Reality is just now unbelievable. Anything can happen,
good or bad. From political prisoners, to meeting the president and getting reparations (maybe)
but rst things rst, getting out of prison.
Thank you again for the books. And thank you for the funds on my commissary. You are too
kind to me. I am spoiled in here. Most inmates receive no letters or no support. The J6
community has been absolutely incredible. I am very blessed.
So there was another Jan Sixer in here, however, he didn’t even tell me as the guards
intimidated him and told him if he told anyone why he was here he would end up in solitary
connement. That’s crazy. He was only here for 30 days on misdemeanor charges.
On the political front, I nd it odd that Biden has been issuing pardons this early. Pardons are
usually a last hour of the last day thing. So why now? Maybe he steps down for the nal weeks
to install Kamala. They must have a plan, they are not going to go quietly.
Change of subject… how was your Christmas Christmas? Did you stay in town or go visit your
sister? How is she doing? I bet you got Wolf a gift or two. Dogs like presents too.
Well, that’s all for this year. Happy new year to you! Next year is going to be a very good year
for all Americans, except for those who committed treason.
Thank you for all you do and God bless,
FDC SeaTac
Federal Detention Center
PO Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198
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