Now we’re burning the United States Flag w/o repercussions?
There was one man who tried to put the fire out, and was immediately charged and pushed off the “X” before he could he could have any effect. There was another “American” with lighter fluid spraying onto the flames. People chanting. Ripping down the American flag, and posting up a Palestinian flag. That’s considered a take over of the combat area. Letting the rest of the Population Know that They’re here and their in charge.
Not one arrest. Not one person detained. Not one individual held responsible for their actions.
That is called(wait for it), Terrorism. You are trying to, change my ideology, way of living, my belief’s, foundations,and values, by way of violence and intimidation. They’re using violence against Christian American’s calling for an all out Jihad on America. The signs and symptoms are in your face.
I realize I get angery about the political view of America and the direction we’re headed. After what this country’s life has been through?
That’s like watching your son or daughter get monkey stomped by a gang of MS13. You stand there and watch. While their arms from underneath the pile of stomping feet are reaching out to you. Eyes of help and distress are watering because of the pain. Still you look on…… And do nothing.
There needs to be a change of pace.
Where are you America? Where are you when the hand of reality is Bit@# slapping your face so hard, your teeth are coming out.
People are arrested for taking down the LGBTQRUEJDHRY&^%$#@#@ purple haired bull dyke, pole smoking, skinny jean wearing, limp wristed, Flag! Still there is nothing done.

Jeff Mckellop
Political Prisoner

Jeffrey McKellop

📬 Jeffrey McKellop
P.O. BOX 15330

Incarcerated since 3/17/2021
or 1227 days.

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