JEFF has been held over 3.25 YEARS without Trial in the DC GULAG and now in a horribly run and maintained Federal Medical Facility, where he is being housed with mental patients and criminally insane inmates. His stories of the Day to Day madness and atrocities inside the facility are sickening. He was recently employed by the Prison Laundry where he was routinely exposed to clothing and bedding covered in human feces and other bodily fluids, blood, scabies and more. He was asked to handle all of these disgusting items without benefit of gloves or protective coverings. His pointing out the health hazards to the workers and the staff resulted in his being fired from the job. Here’s his take on the whole thing….

I want to apologize to all out there supporting me.
I have to admit that I am now truly unemployed.
I’ve failed to hold onto the one thing that was supporting my mental health and welfare during my long term stay at the FMC. I’m no longer a “Primary Corrdinater Organizing Clothing Upkeep Specialist.”
I was removed from service for my actions at communications that I send out periodically. Seems I’ve stepped on the hands that feed me.
I’d like to apologize to the, Inmates, Staff, Exterior Illumination crew, Custodial workers, Part time Santa in Huston, and the Truckers Union for my harsh words, and lack of human compassion.
I will now strive to walk the path of enlightenment like Nansi Pelosi an her life long husbans. Tell the truth no matter how much it hurts. If hit in the head by a hammer from a naked intruder, falling off a bike, falling down going up stairs, or mumbling slured speach? I will do my best.
I’ve hurt the ones who love me, I hurt the inmates who counted on me to do a job that no other will do.
To go into the bowels of death armed with only a pair of surgical gloves and detergent. Fighting off, Scabies, Roaches, human hair from all over the body, splash marks that I can’t explain, moldy food, rubber shoes with black mud( I think),Fecal Matter, on an on. I did my best.

I’m sure i’m going to be pulled aside about my actions so, some one relay a memo to my attorney. I’m sure he’ll want to yell at me.
Max love to all of you. 🙂

Jeff Mckellop
Political Prisoner
Unemployed/Homeless Vet.

Jeffrey McKellop

📬 Jeffrey McKellop
P.O. BOX 15330

Incarcerated since 3/17/2021
or 1216 days.

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