12/1/24 11:30 AM
Dear Barbara,
Hurricane Helen hit a few days before I was supposed to self surrender to prison. The storm
gave me a month extension. We had just redone the gravel driveway and done work on the
drain gully. Those were signicantly damaged. There was also about ve or 6 inches of ooding
in the house. I was most worried about that because we had just redone the oors. Fortunately,
the oors went undamaged. I did try and drive to Lowe’s early Friday morning, when we still
had power, to try and get supplies. I ended up getting stuck in a ditch. I walked back to the
house, grabbed a chainsaw, and helped neighbors with fallen trees alongside some other guys.
Black Mountain is a beautiful town, and unfortunately, it was hit very hard. The most dicult
part of this whole storm was the poor communication. All the cell towers were down and
information couldn’t be exchanged. Fortunately, I keep ham radios charged.
It’s been rough the last couple of weeks. We’ve been on lockdowns. The facility doesn’t explain
what’s going on, why, or how long it will last. We were o lockdowns yesterday, but today we
are back on. It’s very frustrating and it feels like mind games. For example, we were all told via
a yer that Church would be open today and we could go… then they abruptly take it away the
very next day.
It’s hard on the girls. Sophia, who is 2, doesn’t understand. Eloise, 8, knows I’m in “timeout”
because of Joe Biden. April does a great job of keeping the girls busy and focused on the
future. But nothing can x my absence. I nally received some pictures— that felt fantastic. I
felt reconnected. Eloise‘s front teeth are coming in so quickly and she looks so much older! It’s
I have such a beautiful life waiting for me when I get out. I am a very wealthy man in that
respect. The Lord has lled my cup. It’s just hard being locked in this cell. I get my hopes up for
church or the dierent programs I’m enrolled in. But I need to let that go. I’ve got to get better
at managing my expectations.
Thank you again for writing to me! These letters are always a welcome breath of fresh air.
Happy belated Thanksgiving! And merry Christmas!
Alan St Onge

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