Dear Barbara,
Happy late Thanksgiving! Another month in the books. Maybe just another full month left. I’m
condent that all J6-ers will be pardoned on day one.
Now that Hunter Biden has been pardoned I’m sure the conversation about pardons for the
January. Sixers will begin. Odd timing of hunters pardon, IMO. Typically pardons are a last hour
of the last day of one’s term. Why now? Is Biden going to step down and Kamala step in? I still
spend hours trying to make sense of things. The American people deserve truth and justice. I’d
like to think we will get it. Trump is stacking his administration with Anti-swamp truthers. It’s
what we the people voted for, hopefully we get the truth soon.
49 days until Trump becomes the peoples president once again. A lot can happen between
now and then. A lot will be exposed. I’m counting down the days until I’m free. Sunshine and
fresh air coming soon.
Thank you for all you do.
Happy holidays,
FDC SeaTac
Federal Detention Center
PO Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198
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