September 11, 2024
Thank you so much for your letter, and thank you so much for the book Declaration of Dependence. I really appreciate you sending it. I have recently been discussing with other Sixers that are here how over the century is, and decades there are always prophets of doom, apocalyptic cults, and sects, and those who believe the world is soon ending. Whether it’s the impending second coming of Christ and rapture, or man-made environment, disaster; fear
On page 7, there is a part that talks about the “consequence of irrationality of myth…” And our particular species of irrationality. “… in our own country, the irrational takes on the form of gullibility, a naïve simplicity, to believe everything that is said about anyone, particularly the worst. A critical reason never subjects the story or myth to analysis; it might be untrue, but it is certainly worth repeating. Thus do we contribute our share to myth, as the spirit of the modern world cast itself before the false God of the irrational, exalts power over truth, the deed over the word; apotheosizes immediately, glorifies the uncriticized and uncriticizable self affirmation, and fruitless whether it knows it or not, a revolution, whose end is chaos.” On page 21, it says “Mark these words: the enemy of the world is in the near future, going to be communism, which is using peace when it can and war when it must, and which is preparing, when Europe is exhausted from war, to sweep over it like a vulture to tear to flesh. When Russia falls, America will be the new seat of communism.”

You are very correct that it could be written today. There is a irrational side of man, nothing new under the sun. There is also an eternal struggle between individualism and collectivism. This struggle is as old as time itself. We as Americans, self-assured in our innate individualism, are lulled through gullibility into collectivism. I do not believe America is yet the seat of communism, I believe China holds that mantle, however, there is no doubt the cancer of collectivism has found fertile ground in the USA and unless rooted out soon, may soon have roots firm enough only revolution, and the resulting chaos will be the inevitable results.

Things here are going as good as expected. I have continued my work and the workshop. I have also developed some good relationships with a few other inmates. I do miss my family, my wife and home. There are times, though surrounded by others, feel a deep loneliness. This is not my home, it is simply a stop along the journey. I pray this ends sooner rather than later, but also pray I will be able to be ready “when the bride groom comes” no matter what he calls on me to do.
Yesterday was the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. I believe, despite the hand wringing of pundits today on TV and radio that this debate will go down in history as the one where Trump said he was going to send Kamala a MAGA hat. That statement has all people need to know; she has abandoned her own positions, and adopted his; she is fake.

Thanks again for your letter, I look forward to the next one.
God bless,
Taylor J. Johnatakis

Taylor Johnatakis

📬 Taylor Johnatakis
Federal Medical Center
PO.BOX 4000
Springfield, MO 65801

🎂 11/28 🎂

Has been serving sentence for 327 days.

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