113024 07:49 AM

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and fellow patriots who have been so kind and supportive of not only myself but the others who have been incarcerated during this difficult time. It has been a long hard road but i can see a light that is becoming brighter by the day and i want you all to know it is because of your prayers and the love of almighty God that i and others in my situation have been able to get thru. We have a ton to be grateful for so as you sit and enjoy your meal today with your family and friends remember those in the world who do not have anything to eat and pray that God may bring them something, I love you all and i can’t wait to celebrate next year as a free person! God Bless!

REPLY 113024 10:52

Hello Bob, I hope you were at least feed decently Thursday!
yes, i’m counting days now…its has been a long road and I am anxious to crest the hill… just 7 more weeks and our worlds will change, god Willing..I dont know how fast the Pardons will go but I think by Feb it wil be a fiat event. Then we can plan the Final Reunion and place this nightmare in our rear view mirror because we have PLACES TO GO now and we need to get there quick. Those who have paid this high price must be prepared to be witnesses and players in this coming journey because no one understands the price of NOT GETTING INVOLVED than those Americans who have been sacrificed because of it. I have heard his transition team is already using the J6 Pardon DB to line up the first wave on Day 1. Hopeful..
SO YES, I am waiting for this to come to an end so I can see a new beginning before its time to leave the stage. (Lol, family joke, my Grandmother gave each grandchild a verse by the Bard.. mine was “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances;” ).
so hang in there, let me know if you need anything. It wont be long till we shake hands..
gonna be an epic reunion..


120124 09:49AM

Hi Tim hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I will most definitely do or go wherever i can be of most help. We must never forget the lawlessness of the last four years or else we are doomed to repeat it. What i think this country needs is a lot LESS lawyers! They have taken this country (not by themselves of course) in a direction that we should never have gone. They for the most part are nothing but money hungry leaches.All the way from my first attorney that plead me out to these charges. He just took my money and did not even try. All the way to the appellate attorney who your group so graciously paid for. She took the money all the while knowing that we would not get an answer anytime before my eventual release. I am so sorry for that. Please let your group know that if i had anyway of knowing i would not have even tried. Let me know what i can do upon release and i will do it. Whether my release comes in January or February i know that by April i will at least be out of Coleman. That is provided that they don’t try something underhanded with my halfway house. I know though i have groups like yours to help if that happens. Thanks again for all you have done Tim!
Go Bless!

Robert Palmer

📬 Robert Palmer
Federal Corrections Complex
Low A2
PO BOX 1031
Coleman, FL 33521

🎂 3/22 🎂

Has been serving sentence for 1075 days.

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