by FuriousTim, Editor
Have you ever had a car that was so old that all its integral parts were beginning to fail? Not just the things like the mirror controls, or the cracked tail light, but serious things like the supporting frame, the transmission or motor, or the steering. These aren’t really things you can tolerate as being broken or not functioning correctly. And so when a car gets this old and all the critical parts and the things that make it fulfill its purpose are damaged and broken beyond repair, you just have to scrap it and get a new one.
I think this applies to more than just vehicles, it applies to homes, tools, businesses and it most certainly applies to governments. In this case I’m speaking about the system of justice that operates at the federal level in our Republic. Anyone participating in this travesty of Justice unfolding in the District of Corruption is convinced; the major “Parts” of the system are broken, perhaps beyond repair. The behaviors and collusions of article 3, district and appeals Jurists in the district of Columbia has shocked and amazed legally competent observers and attorneys; courtrooms turned into political circuses, words and definitions twisted into new meanings, constitutional protections disallowed, civil laws reinterpreted into unwieldy fantasies of insurrection and conspiracy. All these things happened because the major parts of the engine of Justice in the District of Columbia have become politically corrupted and culturally biased beyond repair. The “infection” includes the compliant ASAs who will gleefully prosecute anybody the regime has targeted, regardless of the actuality or evidence of a crime: they’re all just grist for the mill *of politics in the district of Columbia.
You can’t fix egoic arrogance and you should never try to repair what’s terminally broken. It appears that both things have become the new standards in the District courts of Washington DC. Those of us standing outside and looking in, see something so alien as to be unrecognizable as fair and unbiased justice. And we quail at the thought of that political arrogance percolating down into our state systems of Justice through the continuing overreach of federal authority.
So perhaps it’s time to send this particular vehicle to the scrap heap of justice. Maybe we can then create something that serves the true purpose and function of Justice at the federal level, especially within the District of Columbia. Maybe a new “Vehicle” is just what We The People need to halt this injustice and bias within Federal courts.
Perhaps this sounds a bit drastic, but what other solutions have been left to us? When judges circumvent the Constitution, silence defenses, remove due processes, collude with prosecutors, tamper with evidence, accept altered materials as best evidence items? When Judges remain aloof to the commands of EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW, immune to the outcries of railroaded defendants and demands for public accountability, then it’s time for a wrecker my friends! If you or I did these things, they would be treated as obstructions of Justice and harshly punished!
If WE are to ever trust in True Justice again in America, then POSITION must not Grant IMMUNITY to crimes, though recent Acts of Clemency seem to fly in the face of that. EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW is inscribed over the Supreme Court of the Land for good’s NOT just graffiti!
And so we call for Congress, the new administration and the incoming Department of Justice to examine the recent functioning against the original purpose of the District of Columbia’s legal systems and jurists. Determine whether they still faithfully serve the purposes of We the People and our credo of equal Justice. And if they are found wanting, they should be defunded, disbanded and replaced by something which religiously and unerringly serves the constitutional rights of the Republic and its people.
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