My friends,
the evilness’ that pervades this world is trying to get its grip on our future President. Lets pray for his healing in this time that he really needs us. The cowardly event that just unfolded in PA should give us all pause and remember just how precious life is.
When this news came down we actually had inmates in here laughing about it and cheering! Some of these men i have seen in bible study! Pray for them that the Lord will show them the error of their feelings. Pray for me because to be honest, when i saw them acting this way, i exploded on them. It almost resulted in fights (there were several of them) and i was ready to fight them all! Fortunately a fellow brother stood up and calmed things.
These people in here are so jaded that out of 7 TVS in our TV room, not ONE that is correct, not ONE is on a news channel so we can keep up to date. We live in VERY dark times and i feel like i am in the darkest place. Please pray that nothing will happen which will cause me to get into a fight and extend my sentence. I am willing to do as the Lord wills, that’s why i ask for your prayers to let his will be manifested.
I love you all!
📬 Robert Palmer
Federal Corrections Complex
Low A2
PO BOX 1031
Coleman, FL 33521
Federal Corrections Complex
Low A2
PO BOX 1031
Coleman, FL 33521
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