Dear Barbara,
How are you? How was your trip? I hope you had a good time and met some good people. Tell me all about it. Well, the debate came and went. I’m kinda disappointed in Trump’s performance. Not that he did bad, but every question should have been an opportunity to hit a Home-run. I think he should do another debate, however. She has no answers for anything. The big loser of the debate was the media. Anyone who watched could tell the moderators were against Trump the entire time.
Another month and another attempt on Trump’s life. This country is so divided (by fake news) I don’t see us having an election. I can’t imagine what they will try next month. There’s always an October surprise. Well, next week is my wife’s birthday, which is the second birthday I will miss of hers. The good news is it will be the last birthday I miss of hers. I feel like all of this is harder on her than it is on me. It’s almost over though.

A year from now we will be laughing at all of this.
Thank you for all you do Barbara.

You make a difference.
God bless you,

Richard Harris

📬 Richard Harris
FDC SeaTac
Federal Detention Center
PO Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198

🎂 2/7 🎂

Has been serving sentence for 475 days.

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