Dear Barbara,
hello, I hope all is well with you, the summer is almost over and the weather has cooled down this week, I hope the summer was not to hot this year in Washington, it was hot here in new jersey, I’ve encluded a copy of a couple of pictures of some of the January 6th inmates I’ve met here we get together daily and talk about our experiences and about politics, the fall weather will be here soon with beautiful fall colors enjoy then, I miss seeing the ocean and smelling the salt air,

God Bless you
your friend
Ralph Celentano

Ralph Joseph Celentano III

📬 Ralph Joseph Celentano III
FCI Fort Dix
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 2000
Joint Base MDL, NJ 08640

🎂 12/2 🎂
No known fundraiser

Has been serving sentence for 174 days.

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