I snapped out of my hard bunk, an almost hit my head on the upper bunk with 32 holes evenly spaced in groups of 8. Eight holes per group. Any way.
The news radio were speaking about the Secret Service protecting our President Trump.
They were bashing hard core the Secret Service Agent(SSA) protecting(LGBTQ RSTE!@#$%^ he, she, it, them, we, us, all, always, rock, stick, leaf, purple haired bull dyke,Trans Gender, Alien from a different country posing as a woman when in fact its some sort of mix that would crumble at the mention of their Pronoun.) our President.
After watching her run around in a circle trying to get her pistol that she was attempting to find the holster for. Then stand there looking in some sort of direction. I noticed she was about 4’2″, and was barley above the rear window of the SUV.
As I listen on, the SSA were complaining about the public, complaining about how they are not getting their tax dollars worth of protection.
The Government has changed their standards to a point of crying if their agents, trying out for the job don’t get the job because of their performance/how they look/what gender they are/or if it’s an off day(like Biden).
As you know we have a standard in Special Forces. ONE of which is being able to swim. If you can’t swim, then you drown. Then we have to stop what we’re doing to find your body and carry that thing out of where we are at. Leads me to this. Ever try to carry a limp body? Try to move your friend drunk at a party? Try that on a dead person. They become twice as heavy. Instantly. Then throw adrenalin, and panic into the mix.
We had a guy on our team who let himself go. Thought just being in Special Forces was enough to get him to the objective on time. Kevin C.
He let himself go. After many attempts to get him to loose weight, he became upset(to say the least), and frustrated when he couldn’t do pull ups. Too many A/W Root Beers!
Iraq 2005, He was carrying a ton of weight on mission. ” We need to bring the “Quickly Saw, and some demo!” So he carried it. About 50lbs total, not to include his body armor, ammunition,and water.
He didn’t make it four blocks with his gear and became a heat casualty. Passed out on the side walk, while his platoon of Iraqi soldiers stood over him, while he whimpered in embarrassment.
We had to stop the mission in order to get him back to the truck. Carried him four blocks back to the trucks. Had we taken fire along that route? We would’ve been forced to abandon him in an alley or under a car or leave him in the gutter. He was useless. Mission Failed! Next mission!
He was completely slick! He had almost nothing on him.
It came time to engage the enemy in a building. Into the building, we went. Up the stairs, down the stairs. Into another home. Up the stairs down the stairs. We were about to go into another home. He had the nerve to ask me for a grenade! ” Hey Jeff! Give me a granade!” “Are you Fu@#ing kidding me? Hell no! I carried them, I’m throwing them! Get your own next time!” Kevin: “Man your stupid. You’re an A$$hole Jeff!”
Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve…….
Then I threw that bad mo-fo into a stair well where the bad guys went. 😉
Mission complete, Time for Cocktails and De-Brief!
Point is!! When trying out for a special job? You need to be ready for the part!
This Government has employed DEI, feel good status, sissies, Skinny Jean wearing, Tomahawk Cruise Missile smoking, limp wristed, alternate life style fashion victims, hell bent on bringing down our country for a vote and an an Emotion.
When I “First” Tried out for Protective Services. We had a selection process. 1-1/2 mile run( 14minutes) Dummy Drag 180lb dummy 50 meters( You had to run a 7min mile, at the finish line you grabbed the dummy and any way you can! Got that thing over the line in 1;30sec.
Shooting( You have to be fast and on the gun in order to pass!!). Then you took a Math and English Test. I started out with 30 dudes. I left on day two. With 10 other guys. You cry later.
I’m coming back. Because I want to be better and the best I can be! Special Forces! I needed to get faster. The pistol shoot is what got me.
I went home and got my Sh!t together, paid some, hard pipe hitting bad A$$’s to train me on how to shot and drive a SUV to break neck speeds, and CQB.
Came back and passed. I was 1 of 8 men that passed out of 25 men that day. You have to be able to run and gun! You have to be able to survive to protect the fool your protecting. You have to have the speed strength and agility of a race horse!
When you have your own agents falling out of the mission? What does that say about your, “DEI” program. You have agents trying to re-holster their weapon, in order to find, your fat is in the way of your holster! Did you see them hyperventilating? Trying to catch their breath before they even ran? That shows their not use to a stressful scenario!! Looking around, running around in a circle because there was no plan on how to get Trump into the truck! You’ve failed.
When I was over seas, I was forced to turn away from the morbidly obese individuals that were debarking the plane. They couldn’t negotiate the steps to get down. Some had to have help. Some needed double extenders for their body armor. That’s four extra straps on their body armor!! You wanna know what happens when adrenalin hits that body when you need it the most to get out of a car when taking fire? You have a heart attack and die. Then I have to pick it up and try to move it back to a safe place. You Stay As You Lay!
The Government sends these people into a combat zone! To do what ever it is they do. Now I have to protect that body laying on the ground! I can’t move it. I can’t lift it. The end state is, “You stay as you lay.”<< There’s that phrase again…
The SSA’s are complaining that they passed this woman who can’t even find her holster! Their complaining that their DEI program failed the one man they were suppose to protect! Their Program is going to get others lives taken. Thier program sucks! They will point fingers at some one else who is body shaming that poor woman who couldn’t run, holster, breath, help the one man who she was hired to help. Pointing fingers at the one person who allowed him to get shot in the face.
Oh well, as long as we make everyone feel good. Right? Don’t fire any one. Just move them to another position.
This is why our Military is more willing to stop the mission and cater to the crying sissy in the corner. Removing my junk. Men with a bra. More worried about your feelings than getting the job done. Why even join?
Jeff Mckellop
Political Prisoner
De Oppresso Libre!!
P.O. BOX 15330
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