I’m not sure if you watched the, “Extended Version” of the Debates? I caught some of it on “Univision” and Telemundo.
OMG! As soon as the. “Live Air” lights went out on the cameras? Jill came running out to help Joe off the stage. OMG! She had to help him down the “FOUR” steps to shake hands with the commentators! Holy Crap! He’s finished! He’s not going to make it. He’s not capable of handling another six months. Am I the only one taking crazy pillz?
One and all!:
This is it. This is the fall of the entire Democratic Party. If this is the best they have? Their finished.
This is why they’ve been going all in on destroying America. Now is the time! This is the place where we look to the future ( Phil Collins).
If you don’t take action now? There will be no other time.
Remember: Door ways of Opportunity open an close every day. Will you step through, take a chance just to see tomorrow? Or will you let it close for ever? ( Jeff Mckellop)
The midterms were a joke! I blame the Republican Party for that. All talk, no action. “Oh, we’ll vote better next time. Jesus saves. We’ll love one another and love will see us through all of this.”
My Birthday now falls in the month of “Gay Pride!” FU#$ing Really!? I’m not sure how to handle that? Because all month i”ve been forced to watch dudes make out, and Women dressed as men cling to each other like monkeys. Although, I’ve never seen monkey’s do any of that.
Do I hold hands with my cell mate all this month? Do I tie my shirt in a knot at the waist? Should I hide in a bush and stare at children in the park? I’m ready to go home now. Can I take my ball and leave the game? I’d like to get off the ride.
This is a second chance. I hear, and see the train coming. I feel the tracks vibrate with the weight of what’s to come……….
There are no second chances on “American Ninja Worrier.”
Jeff McKellop
Political Hostage
Homeless Vet
P.O. BOX 15330
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