June 13 2024
Jeff McKellop
First: Greg! Did you see the man you voted for? Mumbling tool of a clown show! Standing next to the motorcade, turns to the left, no one there, then turns to the right as if to speak or shake hands with no one. Ooops…. No one there as well.
His drug addict son and sister walking away, he then realizes he has to hold his shaking hand up in the air to wave good by.
Ever see some one drown? The arm waving as it goes under for the last time. Failing body, life draining out of the limbs.
Moving slowly as the icy hand of death takes away your last image of the world in front of you. The man is a prop for the under world of Marxist that are running this show.
Mr. Hunter. You voted incorrectly.
Oh, I’m going to haul you into court with Kiyonaga. Get ready.
Every one else:
If you’re reading this? You are the Resistance:
“Super man where are you now? When everything’s gone wrong some how. The man of steel, with the power. We’re loosing control by the hour.” Phil Collins. Love that song.
Where are you people! Take a stand!
Stand Together!
The time is now. If you wait, it’ll be too late to act.
Jeff Mckellop
Political Prisoner
Homeless Vet
P.O. BOX 15330
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