
Dear Barbara,

Happy Memorial Day to you. Let’s see if this arrives by then. The mail room is
notoriously slow here. Every now and then a letter I wrote to my wife never makes it to the

I’m glad you had a good Mother’s Day. My mother who was my best friend passed
more than 10 years ago. She was a good person and everyone loved her, she would be
disgusted by whats going on in this country and the fact that I am in prison because of it. I did
send my wife and kids a little package of crafts some of the inmates in here make. It’s the least
I can do for them. I feel like such a burden on them right now. She is out there struggling being
a single mother while I am stuck in here unable to help. At the end of all of this I think our
marriage will be stronger though. My wife, Holly, is also on a spiritual journey as well. Even
though we are at the moment separate from each other, we have never been closer to one
another. Everything happens for a reason and we are blessed to be in our unique situation.
Well that’s all for now. Thank you for all that you do Barbara. It is greatly appreciated. I
am learning so much from those books.

God bless,


Richard Harris

📬 Richard Harris
FDC SeaTac
Federal Detention Center
PO Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198

🎂 2/7 🎂

Has been serving sentence for 352 days.

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