OPED: From 1975 to January 6th

From 1975 to January 6th: How did we get here? The 70s were a turbulent and somewhat dangerous time in America’s history. Not because of the Vietnam war, or the aftermath of Nixon’s resignation or Ford’s own troubled tenure. Not because of civil unrest and campus demonstrations or an economy in decline…no, it was the rise of the Intelligence state that was the most dangerous development of this era. The growth of ubiquitous international communications [...]


But Are You Free (By J6 Prisoner Laura Steele) We declared independence, but are we free? We live in a Republic, but are we truly represented? Who represents us? Who protects our freedom? Our Independence? Out liberty? When we declared our independence, we were defeating centuries of monarchy and servitude. But are we free? Are we independent? “Liberty is the right to do anything that does not interfere with the rights of others.” Thomas Jefferson [...]


THE TALE OF NEW ROME A SCARY Bedtime Story “The TRULY powerful were those deepest inside the Government. Like the Wizard of Oz, they were the ones behind the curtain. They were the ones who knew which ropes to pull. Their hands were on the very Levers Of Power. They could not only raise or lower the Sets but also brighten or dim the house lights. They weren’t just Inside the machine as middle [...]

By |2024-05-31T07:28:49-05:00May 31, 2024|Categories: Op-Eds|Tags: , |0 Comments


IS FREE SPEECH DEAD? The right to free speech, which is supposed to be a fundamental freedom allowing individuals to express their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs without fear of censorship or retaliation, appears to be no longer upheld. It plays a vital role in fostering open dialogue, promoting diverse perspectives, and holding those in power accountable. The ability to express oneself freely is essential for the functioning of a free society. This becomes increasingly [...]

OP ED – Are WE still THE PEOPLE?

The question is, are WE still THE PEOPLE ? When we look around us at the economic and civil devolution happening in America, who is it that we imagine is coming to save us? Who is going to come charging the gates alone, rescue justice, heal the division, defend liberty and restore the economy and prosperity; who will right the sinking ship of foreign state and restore security in the Homeland? Is there any [...]

OP ED – America: TO BE, or NOT TO BE

AMERICA:  TO BE, OR NOT TO BE… What is it that makes us unique individuals, in experiences and thoughts? How does memory relate to everything we observe around us, the “Reality”, how we interpret our world and other humans? How do our past’s memories shape us in our comprehension of what we see and believe as Real? Research reveals humans are products of accumulated experiences and memories. We are uninformed without them. Societies and Nation [...]

Op-Ed: The Grinch

The GRINCH who stole Freedom Like many Americans, I approach the end of 2023 reflecting on events and efforts to move forwards in a challenging year. And I bet many of you are asking similar questions when you look back Jan 1 of this year. Did America hold, advance or decline in 2023? What is happening to the security, opportunity, Liberty and Freedoms we once so proudly hailed as American birthrights? Has the GRINCH of [...]

By |2024-01-23T11:31:09-05:00December 28, 2023|Categories: Op-Eds|0 Comments

Op-Ed: Truth and consequences

What are the consequences to a free society when all the information they receive is redacted, edited and censored with a political and cultural bias that controls what can be offered as the truth to the public? How can any person understand their place and purpose in a world where every event beyond their immediate vision is filtered to only deliver messages and images that meet a shadowy criterion and projected image? Who crafts these [...]

By |2024-01-23T11:32:13-05:00December 12, 2023|Categories: Op-Eds|0 Comments

Op-Ed: Careful what you ask for

It's been over 34 months since the events of the 2020 election and January 6th, 2021 sparked a growing fissure in the public trust. Those two historic occurrences began public and private debates over facts that still rage unresolved today. Do we the public know enough Truth to make informed decisions about either of those events? Have we seen and heard all the actual facts? Is that insurrection narrative that the mainstream media and the [...]

By |2024-01-23T11:33:46-05:00November 22, 2023|Categories: Op-Eds|0 Comments

Op-Ed: A Matter of Survival: Activating the Patriot gene

There’s a lot of talk about genetics today and how these complex chains of chemicals form the working blueprints for every aspect of our existence. We now know what gene pairs control functions and how broken or damaged segments result in dysfunction and disease in the body and mind. Science has learned how to manipulate and recode these all but invisible blueprints with Crispr and recombinant technologies to prevent and target diseases, anticipate future health [...]

By |2024-01-23T11:34:21-05:00November 18, 2023|Categories: Op-Eds|0 Comments
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