A SCARY Bedtime Story

“The TRULY powerful were those deepest inside the Government. Like the Wizard of Oz, they were the ones behind the curtain. They were the ones who knew which ropes to pull. Their hands were on the very Levers Of Power.

They could not only raise or lower the Sets but also brighten or dim the house lights. They weren’t just Inside the machine as middle managers; They WERE the machine! They Knew the GAME. They knew the SYSTEM. They had been masters at it for years.

Theirs was the modern ROME, Rome on the Potomac– an empire in miniature – a land in and unto itself.

New Rome knew no Economic vicissitudes. There were no Vacant Store Fronts, no depressed housing prices or reductions in take home pay for THEM. The restraints of LAW and Constitution were no barriers to their reasoning and view.

The Taxes, Fees, fines and lines of credit that stretched to the Stars and back, made sure that the treasury was awash in coin for their own purposes and wants. Things in New Rome were positively Booming. The Future was bright indeed.

Country-Class had replaced FlyOver country as the new contumelious term used to describe the great Unwashed, living outside of D.C or in the nation’s other Megalopoli.

Through Social Media, a handful of sympathetic news organizations and GrassRoots activism, this country class waged incessant guerrilla warfare, demanding the New Rome be put on a Diet and scaled dramatically back!

As far as the New Romans were concerned, it was an odd stupid little war waged by odd stupid little people. They were most definitely in the minority! All of the polling showed it! Instead of shoving their faces full of McDonalds drive thru and watching reality TV like the rest of the Country Class Hobbits, they were strangely obsessed with what was happening in Washington D.C. and how things should be changed.

If they were so Eager to dictate how it should be done in Washington, why were they sitting on their asses in Tennessee and Texas, Idaho and Indiana? Why weren’t they trundling their fat little children onto buses and coming to D.C. to lend a hand?

They had no idea how government actually worked; much less how important government workers were to its continued function. Without Federal Employees, it all STOPPED- All of it! Fees at National Parks went uncollected, school lunch regulations didn’t get enforced, borders were left unprotected (or opened without constraint), and that was only the beginning. The Inmates wanted to run the Asylum! There was No Way that New Rome could allow to happen.

Anything that grows by definition, is Alive. Washington, D.C. was no exception. As a Living Organism, the Federal Governments number one job was Self-Preservation. Any threat to its existence had to be dealt with. Definitively!

When the Country Class came with its pathetic Rhetorical torches and meddling electoral pitchforks, New Rome was READY! It fought back with Tools no one had ever seen coming! Its methods were varied and hidden, all a long ploy of innuendo, entrapments and punishments. New Rome weaponized its Federal agencies; The FBLie,  Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Justice, The Environmental Protection Agency, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms; they all swatted away each and every attack! Social Media minions groveled to be the agency of their lies and favor.

The Country class could storm the battlements over and over. They didn’t stand a chance. Not only could you NOT fight City Hall, you couldn’t survive a fight with the Federal Government. New Rome could take everything you Had, and put you in Prison. It wasn’t even a fair fight (It wasn’t supposed to be.)!

New Rome would DO what it took to WIN. and it would do so every single time. Its responsibility was to its own survival, and that was bigger than any responsibility to its clueless constituents. If they REALLY cared about WASHINGTON, they’d be paying much closer attention!


-FuriousTim,  May 31, 2024