Op-Ed: What’s Your Inmate Number

What has happened to the fullness of Liberty in this country? How did we reach a state of distrust and fear of our authoritative powers? Can we ever regain that feeling, that surety, of the Justice and liberties that we were given to uphold 247 years ago? Have we Broken America? I think many Americans have begun to ask themselves questions just like these as they watch the political landscape blossom like napalm into paralyzing [...]

By |2023-11-22T16:19:21-05:00October 12, 2023|Categories: Op-Eds|0 Comments


Despite the DOJ finally indicting the mysterious and highly suspect character, Ray Epps, no one believes he is just another January 6th protestor! It is an indisputable fact that Mr. Epps is one of the most videoed and vocal participants, both on the night before and on the day of the fateful rally turned riot. He treatment is an anomaly out of the many men accused of severe felonies that same day for far less [...]

By |2023-11-22T18:55:40-05:00October 12, 2023|Categories: Op-Eds|0 Comments
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