July 28, 2024
Thank you for your letter.This experience has taught me to accept and surrender to so
many situations that I do not have control over. What I do have control over is my response to
any given situation.Wether it a judicial process in which the deck is stacked against you, or
being in solitary confinement for days on end; or the capricious behavior of guards changing
like incoming and outgoing tides. Selling my house is also something I have had to accept. If
God wishes for us to stay there, he will provide both a way to pay, and not inspire a buyer to
make a offer in the next 100 days till the end of election season. Either way, I accept and
surrender to what will come on that front.
I want to thank you for you having your friend reach out to Marie to help spread the
awareness of the website. She is going to begin even more regular blogging of the comings
and goings of the family and have more regular updates about me. Keep an eye out for those.
Since we last wrote, Biden went from “I won’t resign from running unless the Almighty
comes down” to, “I am stepping aside for ‘Democracy’” while simultaneously disenfranchising
his 14.4 million primary voters. Am I surprised? No, the Democrat Party has continually
demonstrated to project onto their opposition the things that they actively engage in.
You and I both know the political nature of Kamala Harris, I sincerely hope Americans
are wise enough to see through the media bluster and hollow support they offer her. I have faith
Americans will; they did after all see through the 3.5 years (if you go all the way back) of
negative coverage of Trump to see him to his 3rd nomination to be the Republican nominee.
As proven by his response to the assassination attempt on his life, he will “Fight, Fight,
Fight!” for democracy and the common sense policies Americans are craving.
I have long wondered who people like Karene Jean Pierre are talking to when they are
clearly engaging in gaslighting campaigns. I believe more and more they are talking to a ever
shrinking hard core constituent base. That base is made of hard core ideologues, trusting lowinformation voters and as a dog whistle to politicians looking for talking points. As I am in
prison, I am able to observe the reaction of people who meet those criteria. My observation is
people are waking up, and once woken up, they can’t unsee what they have seen. Soon, it will
only be hardcore idealogues left as their constituency.
I am still baffled how RFK is unable to get on 50 state ballots, being thus limited to only
12, yet it assumed Kamala, who did not run in a primary, hit any registration dates, or otherwise
qualify can suddenly just appear on ballots? Do rules ever matter? Really makes you wonder.
God Bless,
Taylor J6 Johnatakis

Taylor Johnatakis

📬 Taylor Johnatakis
Federal Medical Center
PO.BOX 4000
Springfield, MO 65801

🎂 11/28 🎂

Has been serving sentence for 280 days.

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