I got your letter from June 17th. Again thank you so much. I promise you the
excitement you feel getting our letters is shaddowed by the excitement we feel getting
yours. I especially love your letters in that they are coming from Washington, My home
My wife is currently selling our house in Kingston. I think if I had to see it with a
for sale sign in front of it my heart would break. It is what it is. We can wish all this
didn’t have to happen the way it has, but…
And yes, it is not an easy discipline indeed. The more we surrender to God’s will, the
more we are able to see the Kingdom all around. I can testify to the fact God walks the
halls of the prison ministering to his children. He “Makes the Rain fall on both the
wicked and the Righteous.”
I am sorry to hear about your DDT contamination. I know a little about DDT and
it’s damage to the food chain which resulted in the endangerment of the Bald Eagle. I
can’t imagine it was good for humans at all! I am glad there is some treatment. I hope it
is going well. Traffic is no fun from Des Moines to N. Bellevue. Especially if you hit
those rush hours it can be a parking lot on the 495 and I-90 both. No fun. I pray the
treatment helps and the driving is worth it.
I’m not sure if you are aware, my Judge made a negative comparison to Henry
David Thoreau and myself. I loved the quote from Henry David Thoreau you included
where he said “Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.” Many
hundreds of times I have said “My life has no rearview mirror, I only look forward.” I do
my best to live my life without regrets. There is always something to learn from the
past. Those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it, which is why we
always need to be looking forward while aware of where we came. Many Americans are
not aware of where we came from, born from Tyranny, and or are filled with regret from
sins of our collective path, rather that learn and move forward seem to be looking back
and are headed directly there.
I also really enjoyed what you included titled “Nobody is Your Enemy” on page
5. I agree wholeheartedly with what is said there. Another thing I have said many times,
and sincerely try to incorporate into my daily walk, is: “I have no enemies, mearly
Brothers and Sisters estranged, knowing this I must take the first steps to
I may have mentioned this before, but my wife and I always try to see the
opportunity in every challenge. When I was incarcerated, my wife who has always been
a stay at home mother was devastated, one thing was reviewing the budget and
realizing a significant expense was the money spent on my 5 children’s Sports
Leagues, music lessons and such. How could she possibly keep up with that. We rely
on those activities to enrich the lives of our children. A family member offered to step in
and lift the burden when it comes to the kids activities. That inspired a thought that
every incarcerated parent goes through the same challenge. It’s the spouses and
children left behind that are deprived of things like sports teams, music lessons,
summer camps and the like. She decided to “Be the Change you want in the world.”
~Gandhi. She started a non-profit called LeftBehindandWithout that helps to pay for
sports leagues, music lessons, instruments, sports equipment, YMCA memberships
etc for children of incarcerated parents.
She has partnered with the YMCA for discounts, meet with the Washington
State Bureau of Prisons to get the word out to inmates. So many blessings and doors
are opening! God be Good. She is constantly seeking funding, as all non-profits do, but
God is good and will always provide in the hour of need.
It’s my belief that the world can truly change for the better because of the
experience of J6ers if we surrender to God to guide our steps. He is taking us on an
incredible journey and will turn “what was meant for Evil into good.”
God Bless you for your continued support! I am reminded constantly by the
good patriots who lift us with their continued prayers and support that this is not for
NOT, and we must stay the course and let God use us to weave the Tapestry of life
according to his desires.
God Bless,
Taylor J6 Johnatakis

Taylor Johnatakis

📬 Taylor Johnatakis
Federal Medical Center
PO.BOX 4000
Springfield, MO 65801

🎂 11/28 🎂

Has been serving sentence for 243 days.