Thank you for the letter of support and encouraging words and information. My wife and
children are hurting far worse than me. My wife is now raising our two boys by herself. 10 and
two and they are really sad that I’m suddenly not around. My two-year-old has been very angry
and upset and feels that I just left him because he is too young to understand. I want to ask
you, if you know of any support groups that reach out or send mail to wives of family that is
aected by the corrupt government that has devastated the families?
Darlene Wilson
She is a brave and strong woman that has had my back and stood with me through when I was
paralyzed and now this. Thank you again for taking the time out of your own life to show love
and support to so many of us. It helps the loneliness go away when that mail comes to the 8 x
10 cell. You are welcome to share my information with any other supporters.
I’m a 42 year old husband and father with two beautiful young boys. I grew up logging for my
dad ( Duke Wilson 72) who was also a J 6er that just got out last month. I started wheat
farming for my wife’s family in eastern Oregon about nine years ago and enjoy the freedom of
being on a wide open eld. I was in a car wreck about 10 years ago that damaged my spine
and suered a shock in my C1 C2 vertebrae area of my spinal cord when having surgery to x
the damage from the wreck. I woke up a quadriplegic and it’s taken me years to gain strength
back and walk again. My wife and children have already suered enough.
God bless you, Barbara
Your friend Ryan Wilson

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