Dear Barbara,
Hope has returned to America! The people have spoken, no amount of cheating or rigging
could overcome the will of the people. The media is in panic and the people are joyful. I don’t
know about you, but I love each pic Trump does. Gaetz as AG is epic! That’s a for sure sign of
pardons to come. RFK as HHS has big Pharma losing their minds. The MSM is dead. No one
believes their lies and propaganda. The swamp will be drained. Oh what a time to be alive.
I’m not sure if you were the one who sent me a “Declaration of Dependence”, if you did, thank
you. If you didn’t, you should give it a read. What a great book. It should be required reading in
our schools. It is very prophetic and explains so much of what is happening in the world. There
will always be a war against God. It’s up to the people on which side we take. Change is
coming. Truth is coming. Jubilation is around the corner.
So as far as meeting in person, I’d love to. We can hash out the details once we get an idea of
when and how I leave this building. I’m honestly expecting a pardon and a release on or near
January 20. I’m sure we will know more as we get closer to the date then we can plan it in
detail. I look forward to your hug.
Thank you for everything and God bless America

Richard Harris

📬 Richard Harris
FDC SeaTac
Federal Detention Center
PO Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198

🎂 2/7 🎂

Has been serving sentence for 529 days.

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