Dear Barbara,
I hope all is well with you and you had a great 4th of July. Thank you again for the letter and
the books. I will be very well read by the time I leave here. You are too kind.
Yes, I agree, when all this is over the Jan 6 family will have get togethers at least. The history
of that day had not yet been written yet. If sanity returns to society, I could see Jan 6 becoming
a holiday. Maybe the will be a statue in front of the capitol in remembrance for those 4
protestors who died that day as well as the thousands who were persecuted. It may take a
while, however, in the end the truth will prevail about that day and all of these persecuted will
have at least their names cleared.
As far as the debate, wow did Biden look bad. I think Trump could’ve done better though.
The fallout from the debate has been crazy. As if the world didn’t know how bad Biden was. It’s
more than likely they will switch him out with someone. The rumor has always been Michelle
Obama. The DNC is in Chicago as well. She would just be the face/puppet that the sheep will
blindly vote for.
I believe all of this is scripted. Reality is so unbelievable and nonsensical. All of what is going
on has been planned long ago. Will this movie have a happy ending or a tragic ending? We are
almost at the climax of the plot. Exciting times we are in.
That’s all for now. Until next time. Stay safe, enjoy your freedom and thanks for all you do.
God bless,

Richard Harris

📬 Richard Harris
FDC SeaTac
Federal Detention Center
PO Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198

🎂 2/7 🎂

Has been serving sentence for 413 days.

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