Dear Barbara,
Hello my dear. I am glad to get a letter from you. I apologize for slacking off on letter writing.
I slacked off on everyone, not just you. What happened was when “they” tried to assassinate
Trump in Pennsylvania I found myself fall into a depression of sorts. I tried to write some letters,
but I just wasn’t feeling it. I did still manage to write to my wife and kids, but even them letters/
drawings for the little ones, didn’t feel right to me or them. I think I am starting to snap out of
my stupor now and I will do my best to keep up with my letters. Now there is a second guy
with a gun that would have killed him given the opportunity. Thank God Trump is OK. And I
don’t say that for my pardon. That’s part of it I guess but I think that Trump genuinely loves this
country and has done everything that he has done to better American lives. I don’t want to see
him hurt for that. I only got 6 years. I would rather finish this 6 if it would save Trump. Anyways,
I am trying not to think of negativity now and I will be back on track soon if I am not already.
I hope that you are doing good. I am happy that you are enjoying all the fall colors that
Washington has to offer. I myself prefer spring over fall, but I do agree that the trees are
beautiful this time of year. As a kid( 3–5) I lived in Kirkland Washington and then North
Hollywood, California. Until 10 or 11, then Florida. But then about 10 years ago, my wife and I
moved to Roanoke Virginia. It is so pretty out there. All four seasons were new to me really. I
love them.
My wife Jenn is doing OK except she’s broke and misses me. The kids are driving her nuts
so I guess they are doing their jobs. My son Connor (nine with autism) informed Jen that I have
been gone for years now. She told me that and it just broke my heart. My kids need me. The
family needs me. But they are OK as much as they can be.
I am still waiting for my appeal to be accepted. It is in the works so I am told, but I have no
proof of anything. I never get mail from my lawyer or the courts so I just gotta take their word
for it over the phone. I cannot say I am happy with my lawyer, but at this stage of the game,
what can I really do?
I don’t see how Harris can win in an honest election, but I too wish Trump would just stick to
the issues and his track record and stop with the name-calling and dumb stuff. He seems to
talk about on a weekly basis. I didn’t have eating cats and dogs on my presidential debate nor
do I think anyone cares if she said she’s black blue green or any other color. It’s bad enough
that. S. M. Is going to paint him as they are going to paint him but he gives them way too much
ammo to work with. That being said I love Trump and I know he loves us too.
I just read “hillbilly elegy“ by J. D. Vance last week. I thought it was a good book. It was
mostly about his childhood and how he was brought up. I liked it and a lot of it resonated with
Oh! Before I go, I don’t know if Harris was on drugs or not but in an interview, it seemed as if
she had an earpiece in and she was being fed the response as she was going to give. What do
you think?
OK. I’m going to get in the mailbox now.
I hope you have an awesome rest of your day.
Stay cool
Your friend
Marcus Maly

Markus Maly

📬 Markus Maly
FCI Bennettsville
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 52020
Bennettsville, SC 29512

🎂 6/20 🎂

Incarcerated since 1/26/2022
or 1005 days.

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