Dear MAGA Mouse, Thank you for your letter. They recently threw me back in the Hole for 4 days and then let me out; telling me it was a mistake. I am just thankful to be out but I don’t understand how a “mistake” like that happens. As a fighter pilot and an airline Captain, “mistakes” might mean lives, so they just didn’t happen.

Thank you for your efforts to bring attention to the Democratic party’s hostages (J6ers) and for the follow on twitter, and for the MO prayer group for reaching out to my Congressman. This situation has a very clear historical II. The POW’s in Vietnam were horribly mistreated until their families spoke out. Every America First Patriot should be reaching out to their Congressman/Senators and asking them what they are doing to free J6ers. If the answer is nothing, they should be primaried. Your mom is a good patriot and I am very thankful she reached out to my mother. It gives my mom great comfort that patriots and fellow Christians reach out and let her know they are praying for me. Please pray for Judges Rogers, Millett, and Pillard to overturn my felony 1512, or for SCOTUS to hear and overturn the 1512.

God Bless You, Your family, President Trump, and God Bless America,
LTC Larry Brock
Political Prisoner Springfield Gulag

P.S. Please feed MAGA mouse some fine Longhorn cheddar (I am from Texas) and let him know he can publish any letter I send.
Verse of the day: Psalm 142:7 (read while in the Hole 10 Dec 23)

Written on back of envelope:
God Bless America and the MAGA movement
God judge Regime Leader Biden and his DOJ
Psalm 74:10-11

Larry Brock

📬 Larry Brock
c/o Patriot Mail Project
PO Box 173
King NC 27021


Has been serving sentence for 259 days.

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