LTC. Harry Brock
October 12th 2023
day 80 in the hole
day 136 as a political prisoner.
Dear Barbara,
Thank you for writing me again. They have not allowed me to speak to my attorney since the 23rd of August so I have no update on my appeal. Oral arguments were supposed to have occurred in September and usually they issue a verdict in 30 to 60 days, but there is nothing normal about this case. I pray multiple times a day for Jesus to help them they could good decision.
I’m about 40 pages from finishing the Jefferson book. Thank you. It is truly outstanding. Have you read it? It is highly enlightening to see the changes between the Federalists and Jefferson’s Republicans are the same ones being levied in this day and age between MAGA Republicans and Democrats. I do have a Bible and read 10 chapters in it daily. I am currently in Hebrews working my way through the New Testament and then will start on the old. Great verse you sent Psalm 103; 6 and I enjoyed the story of the buzzard, bat, and bumblebee. Love Chesterton quote as well, and your letter referencing “offer it up”.
I daily ask God to deliver me after I pray for others, including my oppressors, and before I came to prison I asked God to deliver me from prison, but I did say his will, not mine.
As always, I will close by saying God bless you, your family, President Trump, and God bless America.
LTC. Harry Brock
Springfield Gulag
political prisoner
P.S. please continue to ask judges Raw, Millet and Pillard to overturn the felony in your prayers.
📬 Larry Brock
c/o Patriot Mail Project
PO Box 173
King NC 27021
Any image like letter of others
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