
Thank you for writing me. It’s nice to know people are still thinking of us. It gives me hope that they will not keep doing this to people. They got a 1000 or so of us. I say people get it.

Hope all is good with you. I sit back and think how hard it has to be some days for you. Things happen in life that I just don’t get.

Like a month or so my old celly ODd and passed. I roomed with him for 2 1/2 and moved out because of the things he did. Some days I think if I did not move out could I (have) saved him? But I say NO.It’s sad he was 36 years old and was going home in six months. Things that happen like that here all the time.

I try not to think about any of it. I just pray for them and move on. What can anyone do about it?

Now I write big because some people told me they were old and could not see well. So I’ve just been writing everyone big. I have 20/20.

I do think God has a plan for us. But I do think he would want us to do something too. How bad wins is when good people sit around and let it happen. I know God has a big part in things too. But we have to play our part too. What to do is the hard thing to know.

I pray and think a lot on that, what to do? Have 4 more years to think on it. Until I come home. It feels like a lifetime.

Yes they are getting bold with the indictments. I think a lot more is going to happen too. It is just a start with things. I have a feeling things are really going to get bad with him. Sad so sad. I don’t see how he is going to make it back into office. But you never know, it’s all up to God.

I try to plan my life after this. Think of outside of hire. I don’t want to end up like the people here. Most of them really are not good people. So sad what goes on in here.

I can’t wait to move to MT. Have big plans up there. Was moving when the FBI picked me up. But that’s life, things happen and you just got to move on.

So how are things going with you? What kind of plans do you have in life?

With that I am going to end the letter. Hope all is good with you and I’ll pray for you.

Kyle Young

Kyle Young

📬 Kyle Young
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. BOX 3000
Forrest City, AR 72336

🎂 4/5 🎂

Has been serving sentence for 304 days.