Dear Lydia,

It’s great to hear from you again! I gotta really thank you for the memes – they did the job! No one else really sends me memes, not even my own “friends“ LOL just kidding.
Trump playing the violin is my favorite.
So a quick update about me: I’ve been in upstate NY since the beginning of March, I just finished taking a Spanish class. The food is better here and I get to go out more. Anywhere is better than the DC Gulag I guess you can say.
We have two volunteers who come in here every Monday to share the Gospel with us. One plays the guitar and we sing worship songs.
I’m reading a book called “Born Again“ by Charles Colson. He was Special Counsel to President Nixon during Watergate, and it’s crazy the similarities between Watergate and J6.
I just wrote a couple pages I’m gonna post on my socials on that topic, with a passage from that book about how the CIA was involved. My TruthSocial is brand new so I’ll make sure to follow you!

You’ll probably get this in a week or so, but tomorrow starts Memorial Day weekend. So Happy Memorial Day! Begin parentheses I hope my mail is not delayed more than that and parentheses.

Anyway, just wanted to send you a quick hello and thank you for your letter. I look forward to your next one.
God bless you and your loved ones.

Julian Khater

P. S. I have a TruthSocial and a Twitter, both with my first and last name.

Julian Khater

📬 Julian Khater
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 900

Has been serving sentence for NaN days.