Josiah Colt
July 6th 2023
Hey Barbara,
I’m so happy you are so close to me. It really means a lot to me that you wrote me. Tell the Patriot mail project I am so grateful for their initiative. God bless them for that.
I appreciate you understanding how frustrating and unjust these political persecutions have been. To be honest it was an honor to stand with almost a quarter million Americans against the widespread and unprecedented election fraud. So many of our forefathers and family have given their life to defend and protect our sacred right to vote and have a voice. It makes me sad to see the evil and corruption that have taken rude in the deepest parts of power of our country and world. Through it all though Jesus is King and I believe we are in his hands and he is God he is good forever. We can trust in his mighty power and beautiful plan.
You are right that if we don’t stand up for what’s right and speak the truth then we will lose America forever. It’s up to this generation to follow God and stand against tyranny & Evil.
God bless you Barbara.
There is hope in Jesus
all my love
“Senate Spider-Man”
Josiah Colt ’23
PS: hopefully Trump pardons me! LOL
FDC SeaTac
Federal Detention Center
PO Box 13900
Seattle, WA 98198
Has been serving sentence for 110 days.
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