Joshua Haynes
July 11th 2023
dear Barbara,
I just received your latest letter. Thank you for continuing to write to me. It is always nice to hear from you. I pray the letter finds you well. The address to mail me a book is the same address where you mail your letters. I am appreciative of your efforts to send me the book. I can’t wait to read it. I enjoy a variety of genres when it comes to books. Last week I read the bush crime family by Rodger Stone. Followed by I Know why the caged Bird sings by Maya Angelou. And just this weekend I polished off The hunger games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. I really enjoyed reading something I was actually not aware of until I was forced to do so in order to pass the time while incarcerated. I believe it will be a passion that I will carry with me outside of these walls.
You are correct. The prison photocopies are male. We do not receive the originals. And they do not copy the backs of pages, unfortunately. In fact, pages three and five are missing from your most recent letter. This place is impossible! Thank you for the picture you sent of Wolfie. I love animals, always have. It is why parent with the exception of my time in prison because I would starve close Karen I have lived most of my adult life as a vegetarian. Which I plan to return to the very day I am released from this awful place. Wolfie reminds me of my small dog rocky. A deer headed Chihuahua and the best friend that I ever had. I miss him dearly and pray everyday that I am able to retrieve him from my ex once I make it home.
Something that will only occur with the miracle from God himself, I am sure. I could spend 10 sheets of paper explaining my ex to you. But the short version is that we were together for 15 years. She was quite a challenge and in the end did me very very wrong. I should have listened to my family. Instead of pushing them out all those years. But thankfully for me her and I are a thing of the past and my family is still there for me. Needless to say getting my animals back from her will undoubtedly be an uphill battle.
I enjoyed and am thankful for the uplifting messages that you compiled for me and this most recent letter. I especially enjoyed the excerpt from Dietrich van offer. If that isn’t a dead ringer for the times in which we find ourselves and perhaps nothing is. It makes me laugh out loud.
I suppose I will wind this up for now but I look forward to your next letter. Thank you for everything, especially for caring. Until next time may are Good Lord bless and keep you.
Joshua Dylan Haynes
FCI Hazelton
Federal Correctional Facility
P.O. BOX 5000
Has been serving sentence for 224 days.
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