Since this letter Pauline was release from the DC Gulag and is on home detention.
Dear Barbara,
I got the things on secure pack and I thank you so much for writing and caring for me. I am so overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone. I pray that this letter finds you and your family doing well. The stamps and envelopes were a blessing, and I made it my mission to write to everyone who wrote to me. I have learned I like drawing, and I am forcing myself to exercise. I am weak from losing so much weight due to celiac disease, and the jail doesn’t seem to understand that bread and flour tortillas contain gluten. I had blood clots in my lungs and in my leg thighs. Also, I blame that on inactivity from being locked down to 22 hours in my cell for 25 straight days due to Covid and the hole. I was in the hole with Jessica Watkins and on the same unit, but I moved to a different unit. Her trial is part of the oath keepers and is at the end of September. I pray that her trial brings out some of the truth of January 6th. She seems positive I saw her outside.rec. Yesterday. Ggoing outside is a miracle in itself as I have only been out for eight hours since Nov, 16 2021. My sister Pam, husband Jeff, and son Sam, have been struggling to keep my restaurant going in this terrible economy. I pray that we flip the House and Senate in November and get some real investigations. Please keep us in your prayers and thank you again. God bless you and God bless America.
Love always
Your patriot friend
Pauline Bauer
📬 Pauline Bauer
c/o Patriot Mail Project
PO Box 173
King NC 27021
Incarcerated for 490 days. Home Detention for 81 days.
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