Matt Kroll
Letter received 10.19.22
My Dear Sister and Fellow Patriot, Lydia,
Your regular letters are a real encourager – Thank You! Not just for me but for all of the J6 Political Prisoners, again, Thank You!
I hope that this drawing, a gift presented to you by me, in appreciation for said encouragement is enjoyed for e years to come. It is a simple gesture but my sincere way of “Thanks”. So, here at Central Virginia Regional Jail… we are not afforded the luxury of pencil and eraser, so I’ve had to learn cheap flex pen handling… Making the best of it. The colors are made from coffee, M&M’s, or the combination of both. I used a flex pen and chunk of hair from my head to make a rat tail paint brush. (Smiley Face) I have learned to be creative (and they say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks) LOL.
In case if you have no idea who I am:
I am a 64 year old man from Linden, Michigan. I’ve been happily married to the same beautiful lady for 38 years. We have three wonderful adult kids and two of the most precious grandbabies ever created (smiley face), at least we think so. They are our pride and joy. (Heart)
In October of 2021, I was diagnosed with a number of heart issues. I was put on a “LifeVest” (portable Defibrillator) three weeks later. I was arrested on 02-22-2022 for stopping bad cops from beating innocent peaceful protesters. In April, while incarcerated (4.20.22) I had a 119 second “Flat Line”. I was in solitary confinement, and it only took “Them” 1 hour and 8 minutes to finally get me off the concrete floor where I had passed out and smacked my noggin. I was eventually taken to the University of Virginia and two days latter became the proud owner of my very own pacemaker. I’m fairing decently for the most part. But sill get extremely dizzy at times.
On 10-06-22, I had a bond hearing. However, the judge has not made a decision yet! The FBI (who are a danger to our communities) have told them that I am a danger to my community…FBI is trying their best to involve me with the Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer case (I know a couple of the guys), although I’ve never been arrested or questioned in that case! I ran for sheriff in 2020 (Flint, MI is my county seat) I didn’t win but I did get 40% of the vote. (I did well against a 17-year liberal incumbent).
I am also an ordained minister of Christ (Non-Denominational) and have been holding regular Bible Studies in our medical pod….Last night, (Sunday) we had a shower Baptism. It was Glorious! Ephesians 6:10 is extremely evident in here, but God is moving mightily. I am personally just completing my 5th read of the entire WORD, since being incarcerated….It definitely helps the time to go by faster and I’m learning so much by getting a panoramic view of the GOD Head, Eternity, Love, Righteousness and His consistency. Crazy, how after being a believer for 41-years, how one can still be taught! (Heart)
I am excited to see what happens on Nov. 8th….From what my wife tells me, the various letters from you Patriots across America, plus a small amount of static news talk radio that I listen to in the evenings, it is looking good. IF WE CAN ONLY STOP THE THEFT OF OUR ELECTIONS.
Please note that I have and will live my life by this motto:
“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is good men do nothing”. R.B
May more Patriots get the same conviction.
You can see a Patriotic drawing that I did (It’s getting published in a book) at American Gulag.
Lydia, Thank you again for ALL the Encouragement that your letters have been to so many. The fight is real, but we will win. Blessings,
J6 Political Prisoner, Matt Krol #00051196
P.S. The name of the book (I believe from what I just learned) is “American Gulag Chronicles; Letters from the Prison”.
Central VA Regional Jail
13021 James Madison Hwy.
Orange, VA 22960

Incarcerated since 2/22/2022 or 297 days.
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