Federal Correctional Institution, FT. WORTH Medical Facility, FT WORTH TEXAS
September 11, 2023
To one and all: (You can re-Post my words if you feel the need.)
I would like to thank you for standing beside me!
I want you to know, how much I owe you in these dark times.
I render a ridged salute each and every one of you.
I want to thank every American out there that’s helped me! Large or Small. The effort that you’re putting forward is so helpful to myself and my children. Tears fill my eyes when I think about the debt that I owe you. A debt that I would gladly pay ten fold. If you ever call me, I will be there.
Few have stepped forward to accept the challenge and be recognized as true Americans. When the call came out, you stood to the challenge. I can proudly say, “When I stand the wall to protect those who sleep peacefully at night. You’re right beside me. We stand the wall of freedom. Thank you my brothers and sisters.”
This journey’s been an realization for me that America isn’t what people think it is. I was blind but now I see.
We’re in the fight of our lives. This administration has taken us back to 1700’s-1800’s to the separation of the colonists. Our founding fathers seeking a better way of life from the oppression that bound them. This administration wants nothing more than to reenact the totalitarianism and oppressive behavior England once held over it’s peoples.
There are forces at work as we speak (Evil Forces) doing everything they can to destroy what our founding fathers built and died for. Colonials have given their lives to obtain! Because they saw the future of their people. These forces will never sleep, never tire, never yield. They will burn everything to the ground, with nothing left standing, and say, ” Look! We won!” They don’t care. They never will. If we don’t stand together and regain what is lost? IT will all be gone. Nobody to blame but ourselves for allowing it to happen. Voting isn’t the only thing we need to do. ” Oh, well, I’ll just vote better next time.” There won’t be a next time.
The hand of reality is slapping you. Back and forth, back and forth.
What will you do, when they come for you?
Max love to you all.
My name is Jeff Mckellop, Proud father of Davis and Paige.
I am a political Prisoner.
P.O. BOX 15330
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