In this series, our focus shifts from J6ers stories towards the experiences of J6 family members following the arrest of their beloved. Presented here are the accounts from mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, sons, and daughters. Sadly, there are numerous others also undergoing this type of terrible hardship. While the authorities commend the actions of Antifa and BLM, labeling them as peaceful demonstrations, the J6 individuals find themselves unfairly treated by an unrestrained government, with minimal opposition from Republicans holding office. Most J6ers’ families have to try and overcome PTSD, deal with
the fact that their breadwinner is gone, try to comfort their children, many having not seen their father for more than two years.
Please pray for these families and support them any way you can.
From April Jensen
As of today, July 28th, 2023, it has been 931 days Douglas has been held hostage!
This time next week, our 22 year old son and I will be in Texas(11 1/2 hrs from home) We are going to go see Douglas! It is time for his “special” 2 day visit, so 7 hours both Saturday and Sunday! Douglas hasn’t seen our son in 2 years! Douglas’s brother is supposed to meet us there as well, he hasn’t seen him for over 3 years!
Doug’s birthday is August 7th, so I’m so excited to be able to hug and kiss him the weekend before💙🙏🏻💔🇺🇸
Doug is currently doing some programs that should take some time off his sentence and get him to a halfway house, in our home state🙏🏻early next year!
Douglas has missed so much in the last 3 years! When I look back through pictures from the last 2 1/2 years, it absolutely crushes my heart that my husband isn’t “physically” in any of the memories. Our hopes and prayers are he will be moved in time to have a home visit next May! Our Baby, Baby starts her senior year next month and will graduate next May! Douglas missed our middle baby’s senior year and graduation!
Life has been so hard without Douglas! So many things I’ve never had to worry about, that I have now mastered! A recent example, what I called an invasion of bugs in my basement, as we live next to a cornfield! Told my husband about it and I was freaking out! He asked if I had sprayed the outside of the house for bugs since he’d been gone? Of course I said, NO🙄 He said well yeah, this will be the 3rd summer without spraying and they are loving our basement! So, what did I do, with the help of our son, sprayed and killed all the bugs! I didn’t have to burn my house down🤣
I’ve been having to clean up the dog poo in the yard, burn the branches and brush, etc! It’s the little things like that, I’ve never had to worry about!
There are days I feel so alone and defeated! How can this be happening? I when I think I have it bad, I have to remind myself, Douglas has had it way worse and has remained so strong and positive!
They “the government” keep trying to break us but it won’t work! Most recently, all in the last month, they tried to say he didn’t “qualify” for the program he’s in and the year off for it! That has since, been taken care of, so the prison says! Also, they have made it so Douglas has to pay an outrageous amount monthly on his fines, before he can get NEEDED commissary items! With the love and support of random strangers, we are only about $400 short from having enough to pay the rest of his fines off at once and not have that for them to hang over his head! We are so thankful for all the love and support we have been shown! To the many people who take time out of their lives to write letters to my husband, you are amazing! They have helped him more than anyone could realize!
Earlier this month I had the opportunity to join other J6 family members and other amazing people for a gathering in Missouri! Met some awesome new ones and got to spend time talking with some I’ve been blessed to know for the last 2 1/2 years!
In October we will be celebrating our 27th dating anniversary and 22nd wedding anniversary! 3rd one we will be apart for, bit
we will get through this and be together again to finish our FOREVER together!
The Jensens
Praying for the Jensen family and for them to be reunited soon! May God Bless you all.