Take ahold of my hand!
“Help, I’ve fallen into a pit!” You quickly rush over to see your fellow comrade has indeed fallen into a hole and twisted his ankle. Tears stream down his face in a panic as he starts to slip further down. Without thinking twice you quickly kneel down and reach out your hand.
“Quick, you say, take ahold of my hand.” Your fellow comrade does so and you feel his hand grasp yours. Instantly his panic diffuses as you comfort him with the words “I’m here,” and “I’m not leaving until we get you out of this hole, you’re going to be okay, don’t lose hope!”…
You say a prayer over him asking for protection and recite some scripture. An hour goes by and you can still hear his quick breathing and see the sweat pouring down his brow. Your heart aches wondering when reinforcements will come, but you wait. You feel the pull of his weight on your hand, but it doesn’t bother you because it’s the least you can do for him in this situation. You continue to fervently pray and ask for God to send help. You can’t pull him out alone. All you can do is pray and hang onto hope while reassuring him he is not alone.
Sound familiar? This story represents hundreds of political prisoners who have been unjustly sentenced to years in prison, many days spent in the “hole” also known as solitary confinement. The twisted ankle, blood, sweat, and tears caused by this regime represent the sheer amount of pain they have endured these past few years.
Many of us have been that comrade who when we saw their plight immediately dropped to our knees and grabbed ahold of their hand by writing a letter or reaching out with reassuring words that we would stay by their side. These letters help to provide some solace and comfort to the J6 hostages being crushed by this regime.
Some may ask, does writing a letter really make a difference? In our mind it seems so irrelevant to what really needs done. We think, “If only our elected officials would do something to get them out, but me, I can’t really do all that much.”
However, I want you to think of writing a letter to a J6 hostage as that comrade who grips the hand of his fellow soldier who has fallen into a hole during battle. Writing a letter may not seem like much, but the hope and encouragement your letter brings are solace to the men and women suffering unjust political persecution right here in America. Your words reassure them they are not alone.
When you write a letter to a J6 hostage you are giving them HOPE. You can redirect their eyes to Jesus Christ while reminding them that He too suffered unjustly, bled, and died, in order that all who repent of their sins and put faith and trust in Christ alone might be saved from the wrath to come.
You can extend your hand to one of these patriots today by writing a letter — and that from the comfort of your own home!
Choose to reach out to a J6 hostage today at the Patriot Mail Project. Then, pray for them daily by name and tell others of their plight. But don’t just say, “Oh, that’s sad,” and then do nothing. Love is not passive; love will find a way. Write a patriot today!
De Oppresso Liber! “To Free the Oppressed!”
John 15:13 — Greater love has no one than this: To lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
Hebrews 13:3 — Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.
Acts 17:31 — For He (God) has set a day when He will judge the world WITH JUSTICE by the Man He has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising Him (Jesus Christ) from the dead.
Want to do more? Feel free to reach out at: MAGAmouse.com
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