About Katelyn Mervar

Katelyn Mervar, a young woman from Indiana is a born-again Christian, life defender, and J6 advocate. Since she learned of the Patriot Mail Project she has written hundreds of letters to the J6 patriots, including a book entitled MAGA Mouse To The Rescue to raise awareness to their plight, boost morale among patriots everywhere to do something, and ultimately give God the glory! Learn more at: MAGAmouse.com

They Came Upon A Midnight Raid

A tale from MAGA Mouse and friends! They Came Upon A Midnight Raid is now available on the MAGA Mouse store! Be sure to check it out. MAGA Mouse hopes this new tale will further inspire patriots to unite around true freedom which is found in Christ alone and take action! We believe our work is far from being over and we have only just begun to fight! They Came Upon A Midnight Raid [...]

Pardon ALL J6ers!

Liberty and Justice for ALL! URGENT CALL TO ACTION: We need YOU to Sign the J6 Pardon Petition to ensure that no patriot is left behind bars! We are calling upon President Trump to pardon ALL J6 hostages on Day 1! We need your help to make sure THIS is the message we continue to proclaim LOUD and CLEAR! Some are saying, pardon "non-violent" J6ers. BUT THIS IS A FALLACY!!!! ALL J6ers were SET-UP [...]

By |2024-11-30T12:25:47-05:00November 30, 2024|Categories: J6 Patriot News|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Is your state on the map? 

United We Stand; Divided We Fall.  The Nationwide Postcard Project for J6 whistleblower Jeremy Brown is well underway and we already have patriots participating from 30+ states! If you haven't joined in be sure to request your FREE postcards today! MAGA Mouse has a competitive streak and thought a bit of competition between mice in varying states may help to further the Nationwide Postcard Project along for this J6 hero ... so we [...]

Nationwide Postcard Project

An easy way to do something! Join us in the Nationwide Postcard Project for J6 whistleblower Jeremy Brown! Here's how it works: The postcards are pre-addressed and labeled to the House Judiciary Committee and to the Oversight and Accountability Committee. All you have to do is contact us here with your address and how many postcards you would like us to send to you.   There couldn't be an easier way to 'do something' [...]

“Happy Birthday” … in prison? 

Make his birthday by doing something! On Oct. 1st, whistleblower & J6 political prisoner Jeremy Brown will spend his fourth birthday (50th) behind bars at the hands of our weaponized government. For his birthday, let's see if we can send him a congressman who has the courage to expose the FBI. Here are some ways we encourage you to wish this hero a "Happy Birthday!" 1. Reach out to 4 Congressmen on his [...]

By |2024-09-30T12:03:16-05:00September 30, 2024|Categories: Birthdays, J6 Patriot News|Tags: , , |0 Comments

“Help, I’ve fallen into a pit!”

Take ahold of my hand! “Help, I’ve fallen into a pit!” You quickly rush over to see your fellow comrade has indeed fallen into a hole and twisted his ankle. Tears stream down his face in a panic as he starts to slip further down. Without thinking twice you quickly kneel down and reach out your hand. “Quick, you say, take ahold of my hand.” Your fellow comrade does so and you feel [...]

By |2024-09-16T12:53:15-05:00September 16, 2024|Categories: J6 Patriot News|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Where’s the urgency?

A call for action ... It would appear that many of our elected officials are slow to action when it comes to the J6 hostages. Many will agree in conversation that what has happened regarding our J6 patriots is terrible, but talk is cheap. And quite frankly, I believe the American people are tired of all the political theater and endless excuses. Our elected officials lack of urgency is concerning to say the [...]

By |2024-08-05T13:49:42-05:00August 5, 2024|Categories: J6 Patriot News|Tags: , , |0 Comments

MAGA Mouse To The Rescue

An Unforgettable Tale ... The Backstory: James McGrew, wrote a tale about a mouse who appeared one day in the DC Gulag where many of the J6 hostages were being detained. In this humorous tale he relates the events of a real live mouse who was one chilly morning found curled up in a J6er's thermal. While the prison wards had a full scale legal team meeting on how to handle the 'mouse [...]

By |2024-07-26T14:14:21-05:00July 26, 2024|Categories: J6 Patriot News|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Daddy, where are you?

“Daddy, where are you?” These are heart wrenching words for the fathers with children too young to understand why their Daddy has been torn out of their lives. The question doesn’t get easier with time. Kyle Fitzsimons is one such father who has had a hard time telling his little girl who is curious to know where her Daddy is when she asks him over the phone. What do you say to the little girl [...]

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