MAGA Mouse To The Rescue

An Unforgettable Tale ... The Backstory: James McGrew, wrote a tale about a mouse who appeared one day in the DC Gulag where many of the J6 hostages were being detained. In this humorous tale he relates the events of a real live mouse who was one chilly morning found curled up in a J6er's thermal. While the prison wards had a full scale legal team meeting on how to handle the 'mouse [...]

By |2024-07-26T14:14:21-05:00July 26, 2024|Categories: J6 Patriot News|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Daddy, where are you?

“Daddy, where are you?” These are heart wrenching words for the fathers with children too young to understand why their Daddy has been torn out of their lives. The question doesn’t get easier with time. Kyle Fitzsimons is one such father who has had a hard time telling his little girl who is curious to know where her Daddy is when she asks him over the phone. What do you say to the little girl [...]

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