Dear Barbara,
The child abuse I endured made me stronger as an adult. Maybe that is the silver lining. The DC Warden needs to be fired and arrested for cruel and unusual punishment of J6 detainees. The US Marshals are directing our treatment. Regarding your 12 philosophical questions. I’m spending time with prisoners with the same mindset. The ones who are non-violent with drug charges only. I read lots of books by Harlan Coban, David Baldacci, James Patterson and Lee Child. I also have a daily subscription to the New York Post. I go out to the recreation yard and walk laps on the track and do 10 push-ups every lap. To me it’s more important who does the work, not who gets the credit. I try not to worry or be afraid, because I am in God’s hands. My job is to keep my head up and be strong. America is starting to see the truth. My wife and kids are the most important thing to me. I did this for God and country. I’m trying to reach close-minded people to help open their eyes. The meaning of life to me is to love.
Your Fellow Patriot,
Doug Jensen
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