11 May 2024


Dear Barbara,

I am finally at my permanent (hmm, that sounds bad) or long-term prison where I will
stay for my 46 mo this in order to be corrected and to get my mind straight. I met a J6 at the
Transit hub in OK and he was headed to a medical facility. Since he was young and in good
health, he assumed it is because he represented himself in court – and thus in the judgement
of an American Court, he is crazy. I remember reading accounts in the 1980s where the Soviet
Union sent political dissidents to mental hospitals so they could get their minds right. By
definition, anyone who opposes the gov’t is crazy. Move over, communists! Here we come!
I talked to Myra and she would love to talk to you. I can’t remember if I told you that she
had to sell our place in the country in order to move next to our son and his family in Idaho.
Thanks for your support for the J6ers who have had their lives crushed by the vindictive
vipers that inhabit the DOJ. I felt so bad for the young J6ers who have kids at home and have
lost so much – in many cases the bread winner of the family. It does all of us J6ers good to
know that there are good Americans who get it.


Reed K Christensen

Reed Christensen

📬 Reed Christensen
FCI Forrest City Low
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 9000
Forrest City, AR 72336

🎂 5/20 🎂
No known fundraiser

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