Hello Ms. Barbara,
I wanted to write last week but as I am at my new medium security prison, it is taking a little while to get situated. this new place (Bennettsville) is a lot better than Big Sandy. I feel a lot safer here. I got shipped from Big Sandy about 2 weeks before Christmas to a holdover in Georgia and I got here the day after Christmas. It’s much better here.
You were telling me in your letter about all the ash from Mt. St. Helens and it reminded me of when I was a kid. My mom scooped up some ash and put it in a jar, and years later my brother and I were making a volcano out in the yard for our toy cars and dumped the ash on to it. My mom was so mad at us. I’m told that I put my mom through hell as a kid but I don’t think I was all that bad.
I’m sorry this letter is so short, but I want to get this in the mailbox. I will make it longer next time though. Thank you for writing & have a great day.
Your Friend,
Markus Maly
FCI Bennettsville
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 52020
Bennettsville, SC 29512
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