We followed their trials. We mourned with them and their families as the verdicts were returned, and the sentences were given. It is time to keep our promises. “A promise is a promise no matter how small” to use a similar expression as the one found in the famous Horton the Who from Dr. Seuss. (“A person is a person no matter how small.”)
U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta made sure the jury would find the Oath Keepers guilty after a trial fraught with lies by the prosecution as the defense being kept from providing evidence. The media of course perpetrated their usual fake news adding insult to injury. It has been proven since and without a doubt by journalist Steve Baker’s investigative work (see links below) that Officer Dunn and Lazarus perjured themselves on the stand. Steve himself has since been threatened with prosecution for being at the J6 event, reporting as any journalist would. Another miscarriage of justice.
Several Oath Keepers cooperated with the government to obtain lesser charges and allow the government to convict several Oath Keepers of seditious conspiracy, a ludicrous charge that was used later as well against the Proud Boys.
Enrique Tarrio who famously was sentenced to the longest prison sentence of 22 year was not even in the Capitol. Joe Biggs is on video taken by infamous Pam Hemphill who later became involved in misinformation with the equally infamous Sedition Hunters, indicating they had no intention to go into the Capitol after she taunted them to do so.
These innocent men are currently serving their sentences and appeals have been filed. It is unclear how this will end but our hope is that a future President Trump returned to office will pardon them all.
Several Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and 3%ers have also been charged and their cases are still going on.
Another group of patriots who has been unjustly charged and convicted is the 3%ers. The 3%ers like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, perform security (mostly against Antifa thugs) at events. 3% is an organization but limited to state size, not national. There are many different groups sometimes within the same state. Several of them (Derek Kinnison, Erik Warner, Tony Martinez, Ron Mele) were unsurprisingly convicted though they did nothing to deserve such convictions and are awaiting their sentencing.
Pray for them. Write them. Let them know they are indeed not forgotten.
Steve Baker’s Investigation:
FCI Cumberland
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. BOX 1000
Cumberland MD. 21501
Has been incarcerated for 760 days.
including remaining serving time for 224 days.
FCI Memphis
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 34550
Memphis, TN 38184
Has been incarcerated for 1090 days.
including remaining serving time for 214 days.
Federal Correctional Institution
PO BOX 5000
Has been incarcerated for 1121 days.
including remaining serving time for 181 days.
Released to RRM in Florida
Has been incarcerated for 1069 days.
including remaining serving time for 214 days.
FCI Bastrop
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 1010
Bastrop, TX, 78602
FCI Coleman Low
Federal Correctional Institution
PO BOX 1031
Coleman, FL 33521
Has been serving sentence for 195 days.
FCI Beaumont Low
Federal Correctional Institution
PO BOX 26020
Beaumont, TX 77720
Has been serving sentence for 187 days.
FCI Jesup
Federal Correctional Institution
2680 301 South
Jesup, GA 31599
FCI Manchester
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 4000
Manchester, KY 40962
Has been incarcerated for 706 days.
including remaining serving time for 160 days.
FCI Coleman Medium
Federal Correctional Institution
PO BOX 1032
Coleman, FL 33521
FCI Talladega
Federal Correctional Institution
P.M.B 1000
Talladega, AL 35160
Has been incarcerated for 1026 days.
including remaining serving time for 165 days.
FCi Petersburg Medium
Federal Correctional Institution
PO BOX 1000
FCI Butner Medium II
Federal Correctional Institution
PO BOX 1500
Butner, NC 27509
📬 Derek Kinnison
c/o Patriot Mail Project
PO Box 173
King NC 27021
Free on recognizance
(charged on 6/9/2021)
📬 Erik Scott Warner
waiting for info
📬 Ron Mele
c/o Patriot Mail Project
PO Box 173
King NC 27021
Amit Priyavadan Mehta
Appointed By: Barack Hussein Obama II
Selected By: President Obama on
Confirmation Date: Sept. 17, 2014
Born: 1971 (age 51–52) Patan, India
Gender: Male
Georgetown University (BA)
University of Virginia (JD)
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