To everyone who appreciates America, and being an American, Veterans Day stands out as one of the most important days of the year. We honor those veterans who are family members, our best friends, and those we will never meet. We thank them for their commitment to keeping us safe and secure, and for putting their lives on the line for us in their service of this great nation. Veterans took an oath when they joined the military, and it became a part of who they are. Those who have served in the past have our deepest gratitude, and those who serve today carry on the tradition of security, based on the same oath that they took.

Veterans are some of the best Americans. They are dedicated to their mission and their fellow soldiers. They are committed to uphold their oath. They are well traveled and have seen more of the world than most people. They understand conflicts in other countries and have an understanding of politics in different areas they are stationed in. They depend on each other, take care of each other, and they know that if worse comes to worse, it is up to them to stand in the gap for us. Our vets have a level of commitment that many Americans really cannot understand, because they simply have not been there, and for whatever reason, they did not serve. For those who did, it was a life-changing experience in so many ways.

This year like last, some of the most heroic and committed veterans that America has ever had, will spend their Veterans Day in prison. These brave men and women never forgot their oath to defend and protect. These honorable vets came home from their wars, to find themselves in the biggest battle of their lives against the very government who they swore to defend. These amazing men tried to save people who were being murdered right in front of them. I am proud of these Vets for taking action against anyone who is murdering innocent people. These soldiers had enough character to want to help in spite of their own safety. They put it all on the line, again. And now they are suffering the consequences.

Over 70% of the J6 detainees who are being held in pretrial detention for almost 2 years, are Veterans of the United States military. These outstanding people stood strong in the face of tyranny itself, and tried to defend people who were literally being murdered by the Capitol and Metro Police officers, only to find themselves held as the scapegoats to the evil plans of our government. These courageous men and women have been held as political hostages, some for over 660 days. Almost 2 years in prison while waiting for a trial, against a corrupt system, for doing what a hero should do. Protect the innocent.

Our J6 prisoners have not seen a family member since their arrests. Much of their time has been spent in isolation. There is rampant abuse towards these prisoners by the guards. They are labeled as extremists and white supremacists to intentionally put them in harms way. Our amazing J6 Patriots have survived for two years in this environment, and they will not give up the fight. They are strong. They are fighting for their lives. But most importantly, they are fighting for you. They will not lie for this administration or this Department of inJustice. They are not who they are accused of being, and they will defend their honor.

These good people are our heroes from January 6, 2021, Patriots Day, and they are honored, our beloved Veterans from J6.

Please honor our Veterans by supporting them in their greatest time of need. Go to and go to Calls to Action, and get personally involved today. Be the people they need, when they need you most.

May God bless you, God bless all of our Veterans, and God bless America.

David Sumrall